2024 Abstracts from the CAPD/ACDP 2024 Annual Conference in St. John's, NL
A Survey of Canadian Pediatric Dentists to Establish an Essential Basket of Services for a Federal Dental Program for Canadian Children
Cale, K., Oxner, J., Azarpazhooh, A., Singhal, S.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry
With the federal government’s announcement of the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) to include children from low- and middle-income families, it is essential to determine what needs will be addressed through the new program. Pediatric dentists would be most suitable in understanding the normative oral-health needs of children and subsequently, the services which are essential to be included in the program.
To determine what Canadian pediatric dentists perceive as the essential oral-health services that eligible children should have access to prior to the launch of the CDCP and to compare how much these services align with the CDCP released grids.
A cross-sectional survey was administered electronically by the Canadian Association of Pediatric Dentists (CAPD) to eligible members, including certified pediatric dentists working in Canada or retired from practicing, comprising 297 potential respondents. With the funding support from the Canadian Paediatric Society, prize incentivization was offered to ten randomly selected respondents.
A total of 105 CAPD members participated in the survey (35% response rate); 84 completed the entire survey. More than half of the respondents were females, and the largest participation was from the 30–39-year-old age group, at 33.3%. Most respondents work in a private practice setting, a hospital setting or a combination of the two. Pediatric dentists emphasized through their responses that the health of deciduous teeth are equally as important as permanent teeth. Most of the services that were determined to be essential by respondents were aligned with the CDCP grids apart from a few exceptions. Mouth guards, preformed zirconia crowns, space maintainers, smoking cessation, oral hygiene instruction and nutritional counselling are examples of services that were not included in the CDCP but that respondents believe should be available with limitations or with a pre-authorization for appropriate candidates.
Though the CDCP dental grids are mostly aligned with the services pediatric dentists perceive to be important for children, some important services are missing, and their inclusion is crucial in reducing the future burden of oral disease on society and the healthcare system. Consultation with pediatric dentists to ensure that normative oral-health needs of Canadian children are being met is necessary as future iterations of the CDCP are released.
Development of topical medicaments to promote caries arrest
Hetal Desai 1, Cameron Stewart 1, Dennis Cvitkovitch 1,2, J Paul Santerre 1,2, Yoav Finer 1,2
1 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Ontario
2 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario
Objectives: Caries-arresting medicaments (CAMs) are used as interim measures to promote caries arrest. Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is one such efficacious (77-89%) CAM, however, its use results in a permanent dark discoloration, limiting patient acceptance.
We previously engineered in our laboratory high content drug-silica co-assembled particles (DSPs), which can be applied to prevent biofilm formation in dental restorative materials. CAMs are applied to carious lesions to disrupt pre-exiting biofilms and therefore necessitate a higher drug concentration relative to that needed to prevent biofilm formation. Owing to the high drug loading of DSPs, they could be utilized as drug depots for the development of CAMs, however, their drug release profile must be modulated to exhibit rapid release of higher drug concentration.
Our aim is to accelerate the drug release from DSPs by incorporating network-modifying ions into their silica construct, and apply these modified-DSPs to develop highly effective CAMs with esthetic outcomes.
Methods: Modified-DSPs were synthesized using Ca2+ alone and Ca2+/PO4- as network-modifying ions in a one-pot synthesis approach with Octenidine dihydrochloride (OCT) as the drug and particle pore-templating agent. Particles were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM EDX). Drug release kinetics were measured at pH 7.4 and 5.0 using UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
CAMs were formulated by incorporating modified-DSPs into a commercial vehicle (Gluma®, Kulzer) (5% wt/wt) and the biofilm disruption of the formulations was assessed by performing minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC), minimum biocidal concentration (MBC) and log10 reduction assays, using the Calgary Biofilm Device (CBD). Wells with no treatment, Gluma® (a co-adhesion molecule) alone and Gluma®+ calcined particles (5% wt/wt) served as relative controls.
Results: At pH 7.4, Ca2+/PO4- modified-DSPs demonstrated a 2 and 1.4 fold higher OCT release relative to DSPs at 24 and 48 hr, respectively. At pH 5.0, the Ca2+ modified-DSPs demonstrated a 2.6 and 1.6 fold higher drug release relative to DSPs without Ca2+, at 24 and 48 hr, respectively. MBEC and MBC assays showed no bacterial growth in wells treated with CAM formulations, whereas growth was observed in all relative control wells. All treatment formulations showed a 6-log reduction in bacterial growth relative to relative controls.
Conclusions: The drug release from DSPs can be accelerated by incorporating network-modifying ions into their silica structure. These modified-DSPs demonstrate potent antimicrobial/antibiofilm effects, and can be further developed as CAMs.
Traumatic dental injuries: Prognostic Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes of Luxation Injuries in Permanent Teeth.
Shamira Naik, Joy Richman, Jolanta Aleksejuniene, Ahmed Hieawy
Objectives: In Vancouver, BC Children’s Hospital provides urgent dental services to children referred by dentists or presenting directly to the emergency department. However, their follow-up care is managed by community dentists, resulting in a gap in understanding the success of initial emergency treatments. This study aims to identify prognostic factors affecting the treatment outcomes of luxation injuries in permanent anterior teeth treated at BC Children’s Hospital.
Methods: This retrospective follow-up study was conducted in two stages. The first stage involved collecting data from the electronic health records of patients who presented to BC Children’s Hospital emergency department with traumatic dental injuries to anterior teeth from September 2019 to September 2022. Various prognostic factors influencing clinical and radiographic outcomes were recorded. The second stage involved follow-up visits for children with luxation injuries, including lateral luxation, intrusion, extrusion, and subluxation. Follow-up visits consisted of clinical and radiographic examinations, with outcomes assessed based on healing criteria (healed, non-healed, healing/functional). Associations between prognostic factors and treatment outcomes were examined using a Chi-squared test.
Results: The study included 60 traumatised permanent teeth, of which 40 were luxation injuries. Significant prognostic factors affecting treatment outcomes were the stage of root development (p=0.003) and the time elapsed from trauma to treatment (p=0.01). Injuries treated within five hours of trauma and teeth with closed apices had better outcomes. The health status of the patient showed a trend towards significance, with healthier individuals more likely to have favorable outcomes (p=0.09). Factors such as type of initial treatment, presence of a combination injury, and location of the incident did not have statistically significant associations with treatment outcomes.
Conclusions: Clinical variables such as the stage of root development and the time elapsed from trauma to initial treatment significantly impact the outcomes of luxation injuries. These factors should be considered when triaging patients in hospital emergency departments to ensure optimal prognosis following emergency treatment.
Caregiver’s perceptions of the quality of dental care provided for their autistic children at BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH)
Authors and affiliations: Atyaf Saleh, Jennifer Park and Joy M. Richman, University of British Columbia and British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
Objectives: Dental care for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is challenging for the child, caregiver and dental provider. Several studies assess Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children with autism as perceived by the caregiver but do not address the quality of care. Our aim was to carry out a quality improvement/quality assurance survey of caregivers at a tertiary care hospital where many children with autism are referred for dental care.
Methods: A custom survey consisting of multiple-choice questions and free text boxes was distributed between Dec. 1, 2023 and July 5, 2024. After opening the survey and consenting, caregivers were given access to the questions. Anonymous responses were collected using REDCap. Frequency histograms for the survey questions were created using Prism v10. The positivity and negativity of text box responses was measured using word-cloud software. This study was approved by the BCCH Research Data Management committee.
Results: There were 348 caregivers (98% were parents) who completed all 4 sections and 20 who responded to the optional questions about aging-out-of-system. Most families were from the lower mainland of BC (85%), and 66% stated their first language was English reflecting the diversity of the population in BC. The average age of diagnosis of autism was 3.81±2.41 years agreeing with the national average. The main barrier to care was the behaviour of their child (41.67%). Many caregivers favoured in-person visits (85%) over virtual visits, as they felt their child's dental needs cannot be addressed with virtual visits. In contrast, caregivers felt virtual visits were better for their child and were less distracting. There were 615 free-text-boxes completed which provided rich feedback in the following areas 1) physical layout of the clinic, 2) length of visits, 3) sensory stimulation and 4) staff training. Positive comments included overall high satisfaction (88.5%) with the dental providers and the systematic desensitization program. However, a majority of caregivers (75%) felt they are ill-prepared to transition their child out, mainly because they cannot find a suitable dental home.
Conclusions: These results will be used to design a new BCCH dental clinic space. Visits will be shortened and staff training in ASD will be implemented. Our study highlights the significant challenges for caregivers when their child needs to find a dental home in their local community. Since there are relatively few pediatric dentists, better training for general dentists would improve the care for adults with ASD.
Effects of A Virtual Reality Game on Children’s Fear and Anxiety during Dental Procedures (VR-TOOTH): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Wenjia Wu1,2, DMD; Marie-Eve Asselin1, DMD, MSc, F.R.C.D(c); Nicole Hung3, BScN, MD; Pascale Ouimet3, inf., BSc; Olivier Fortin3, BDI, MSc; Christine Genest4,5, RN, PhD; Maxime Francoeur3, BSN; Estelle Guingo3,6, PhD; Kate St-Arneault3,4, MScN; Annie Sylfra3; An Kateri Vu3; Janick Carmel3; Laurence Lessard3; Stephany Cara-Slavich3,BAA; Kathryn DeKoven7, MD; Julie Paquette3, RN, MSc; Hunter Hoffman8, PhD; Sylvie Le May2,3,4, RN, PhD, FCAN
1Department of Dental Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada
2Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada
3Azrieli Research Center, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada
4Faculty of Nursing, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada 5Trauma Studies Centre, Le Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Est-de-l’Île de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada 6Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Quebec, QC, Canada
7Department of Anesthesia, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada
8University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Introduction: Dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is a condition that affects approximately a quarter of children and adolescents. It is a significant cause for pediatric patients to avoid dental care later in adulthood. Lack of patient cooperation due to DFA can create an environment of stress, often obligating dentists to end appointments prematurely and consider alternative pharmacological treatment options. Virtual reality (VR) headset use during dental care, providing an immersive experience through sensory stimuli, is a potential non-pharmacologic adjunct to better manage DFA in children with special health care needs (SHCN) undergoing dental procedures.
Objectives: 1) Assess the feasibility and acceptability of VR immersion as a tool to reduce DFA for pediatric SHCN patients undergoing dental procedures, as well as 2) Satisfaction of their parents and healthcare providers (HCPs). 3) Evaluate the effects of VR on children’s DFA during dental appointments.
Methods: This pilot randomized controlled trial conducted at CHUSte Justine Hospital in Montreal followed a parallel design where participants were randomized in two groups: Control (cartoons on wall-mounted TV) and Experimental (VR game). Primary outcomes were patient recruitment rates and completion rates of procedures. DFA was assessed using the Venham Anxiety and Behavior Rating Scales (VABRS; 0-5) and salivary alpha amylase (stress biomarker). Descriptive and non-parametric mean comparisons tests were used for analyses of demographic, clinical variables, satisfaction and DFA.
Results: Out of 36 patients approached for recruitment, 25 (69.4%) accepted to participate (13 randomized to the VR group and 12 in the Control group). Mean age of participants was 10.2 (± 2.8) years and 64% were males. Overall, 77% (10/13) of participants in the VR group tolerated the headset during the procedure. Parental and HCPs satisfaction were high: 100% of HCPs indicated they would use VR again; all parents rated the VR intervention with a score of 8/10 or higher. There was no significant difference between groups on DFA and level of physiological biomarkers (p >0.05).
Conclusion: This pilot study showed that VR was a feasible and acceptable tool for SHCN children during dental treatments. Parents and HCPs were highly satisfied. Future studies are needed to verify the impact of VR on children’s fear and anxiety during dental procedures.
Trial Registration: NTC05898100
This study was supported by funds from the Quebec Foundation for Firefighters for the Implementation of Virtual Reality at CHU Sainte-Justine, Quebec, Canada.
2023 Abstracts from the JOINT CAPD-ACDP - AAPD Conference in Montréal, QC
A Comparison of Virtual Health and In-Person Consultation for Full Mouth Rehabilitation in BC Children’s Hospital
Authors and affiliations –
Kevin O. Amaniampong1,2, Jennifer C. Park1,2 and Joy M. Richman1,2 Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia1 , British Columbia Children’s Hospital2,
Vancouver, Canada
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a drastic change in dental care across the globe, particularly in the area of virtual consultations or teledentistry. Our primary objective was to determine if differences exist between the estimated and actual numbers of teeth requiring treatment and the time required under general anesthesia for treatment in virtual and in-person dental consultations. Secondarily, we assessed the distance from the primary residence to BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) for families who used virtual consults and in-person consultations.
A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients aged 1.3 -18.7 years who underwent fullmouth dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia at BCCH. Charts were gathered for July 2020, November 2020, March 2021, and June 2021. Data were collected for both types of consultations and included patient demographics, estimated treatment information (predicted treatment time, number of teeth planned for treatment), presence of caregiver-obtained pretreatment photographs, and actual treatment outcomes. The average percent difference was calculated by determining the difference between predicted and actual values and expressing this difference as a percentage of the predicted value. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc testing and unpaired T-tests were performed using Prism V10.0. Human ethics # H21-02433.
A total of 321 patients [Mean Age = 76.277± 49.4 months] were included. There were 183 (57%) in-person and 138 (43%) virtual consultations. Out of the virtual consultations, 97 (70%) included pretreatment photographs, while 41 (30%) did not include pretreatment photographs. The average difference in the predicted versus the actual time needed for treatment was significantly higher in virtual consultations without pretreatment photographs (31.2%) compared to both in-person consultations (22.3%, p-value = 0.007) and virtual consultations with pretreatment photographs (21.9%, p = 0.01; Figure 1). No significant differences were found in the percentage difference in teeth treated between the conditions. Significant differences (p = 0.003) were observed between the average distance traveled to the hospital between all virtual (138km) and in-person (60.8km) patient consultations.
Our findings suggest that virtual dental consultations can be effective for planning dental treatment under general anesthesia, especially for families who live farther away. Our study highlights the importance of photographs in treatment planning for VH patients. Our study may lead to the more widespread adoption of virtual consultations for a variety of dental treatments.
Primary Caregiver Satisfaction with Virtual Health versus In-Person Consultations for Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Children
Dr. Mayhay Ho
Mayhay Ho, Jennifer C. Park and Joy M. Richman
Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia and British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
The COVID-19 pandemic imposed clinic closures at the B.C. Children’s Hospital (BCCH) and greatly reduced capacity due to public health guidelines. The Dental Department implemented virtual health (VH) consultations for children who were referred for full mouth dental rehabilitation under general anaesthesia (GA). The objectives of this study are:
1. To determine the satisfaction and perception of primary caregivers with VH vs. in-person (IP) dental consultations
2. To evaluate whether improvements can be made to the current VH visit format
3. To determine whether families would like VH consultations to continue post-pandemic
Participants were primary caregivers of children (1-17-years) who attended an IP or VH consultation at BCCH from January 2021 to July 2023. Caregivers were excluded if they attended both IP and VH consultations within 1 year, attended a VH consultation by telephone only, or if they did not consent to be contacted by email.
Participants were emailed the link to the BCCH QI/QA REDCap site. The anonymous survey contained questions about demographics, caregiver satisfaction and perceptions. Participants in the VH group also completed a standardized telehealth usability questionnaire (TUQ; Fung et al., 2020). In addition, caregivers who attended IP consultations were invited to complete the survey in person.
A total of 238 caregivers completed the survey of which 185 were complete (response rate of 22.0%).
VH families (N=45) are mostly from rural settings compared to IP families (N=140). IP caregivers ‘completely’ agreed with the 10 satisfaction statements 70.5-85.3% of the time similar to VH caregivers (66.7-84.6% of the time). The average TUQ score (scale 1-4) was 3.55. Once a family had used VH, they were very likely to use this format again (89.8% would use VH services again, vs. 24.8% in the IP group). The most common benefits in the VH group were time savings, ease of scheduling, and cost savings whereas the most common barrier was difficulty taking intraoral photos. The benefits felt by the IP group were meeting the dental team and ease of communication with the dental clinic whereas the most common barriers were parking and behavioural challenges of their child during the consultation.
The format of both IP and VH consultations is well-accepted by families. At BCCH the VH visits are continuing to the present day however in future, VH consultations will need to be made more user friendly to ensure all families can access this type of visit.
A Survey of Trends in Teaching and Practice of Primary Molar Vital and Non-Vital Pulp Therapy among North American Pediatric Dental Program Directors and Pediatric Dentists.
Dr. Aaron Miller
Miller, A.,1 Andrews, P.,2 Tenenbaum, H.,3 Basrani, B.,4 Lawrence, H.1
Department of Pediatric Dentistry
University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry
OBJECTIVES: In 1997, Primosch et al and in 2005, Dunston and Coll reported disagreement among both dentists and dental educators regarding primary tooth pulp therapy. Neither study included the use of MTA or biosilicates. The present study will provide an update regarding trends in teaching and practice of vital and non-vital pulp therapy in primary molars with deep carious lesions.
METHODS: A Redcap internet survey, was sent to pediatric program directors and a second for pediatric dentists currently in clinical practice. The surveys were designed as modified versions of those published by Primosch in 1997. Three follow-up requests were sent to 6700 pediatric dentists and 89 program directors in Canada and the United States. Results were summarized and analyzed using chi-square tests to allow for comparison to previous studies.
RESULTS: 841 pediatric dentists and 19 program directors completed surveys. Among dentists graduating after 2010, 76.5% reported performing an indirect pulp cap for an imminent pulp exposure, 23.5% reported performing a pulpotomy. Graduates from 2000-2009 selected indirect pulp cap and pulpotomy 49% and 51% respectively, and those graduating from 1960-1999, 56.6% and 43.4% respectively. The most popular pulpotomy medicament among pediatric dentists is MTA (39.2%) followed by formocresol (34.4%). 62% of pediatric dentists reported a change in their pulpotomy medicament since graduation, and 69.9% of those currently using MTA report having used it for 5 years or less. The most commonly taught pulpotomy medicament in training programs is MTA (56.3%) followed by formocresol (12.5%). While 95% of program directors teach pulpectomy, only 55% of practitioners perform the procedure in clinical practice. In a situation during a pulpotomy procedure in which radicular pulp is hemorrhagic and hemostasis is not achieved, dentists report initiating pulpectomy was 36% of 1960-1999 graduates, 31.5% of 2000-2009 graduates, and 22% of graduates 2010-present. In the same clinical situation, the proportion of dentists who reported extraction and appropriate space maintenance was 26.4% of 1960-1999 graduates, 37.8% of 2000-2009 graduates, and 52.7% of graduates 2010-present.
CONCLUSION: There is a shift towards minimally invasive approaches among pediatric dentists for pulp therapy in primary teeth. MTA has marginally overtaken formocresol as the most popular pulpotomy medicament. Although pulpectomy and primary tooth root canal are being taught in training programs, a declining number of dentists perform the procedures in clinical practice, with an increasing number of clinicians opting for extraction and space maintenance for teeth with necrotic or irreversibly inflamed pulps.
LAB813, a Novel Probiotic, Reduces Dental Hard Tissue Demineralization in Mice
Spagnuolo. A., Liu A., Nainar H., Lévesque C., Gong S.G.
University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry
Background: Despite the availability of oral preventive modalities, dental caries remains one of the most common chronic conditions affecting children worldwide. Innovative oral preventive therapeutics are urgently needed. One such modality is the use of “friendly” bacteria or probiotics. We identified a novel strain of the oral commensal Streptococcus salivarius LAB813 from the mouth of a healthy child. We have extensive in vitro data showing that LAB813 is highly effective in inhibiting cariogenic bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans. Before initiating human clinical trials, pre-clinical studies are needed to test the effectiveness of LAB813 probiotic against caries.
Objectives: To test the efficacy of LAB813 in reducing dental hard tissue demineralization and its ability to colonize dental hard tissues in an in vivo mouse model of caries.
Methods: BALB/cJ mice were fed a high sucrose diet and inoculated with either S. mutans, LAB813 or both for 5 consecutive days. Groups of mice (n=3) included: G1- sham control, G2 – carrier alone, G3 – S. mutans alone, G4 – S. mutans followed by LAB813, and G5 – LAB813 alone. After 21 days, the mandibles were dissected and processed for micro-computed tomographic scans, which were used to analyze the enamel mineral densities (EMD) of the first mandibular molars. An additional 5 mice were used to test the dental colonization ability of LAB813 and S. mutans by selective plating of bacteria on agar plates.
Results: Comparison of the mineral densities of the first molars showed that G3 (S. mutans) and G5 (LAB813) exhibited the lowest (1.88 g/cm3) and highest (1.94 g/cm3) EMD, respectively. Statistically significant differences in the EMD were observed between G3 (S. mutans) and G5 (LAB813) (p=0.002), and between G3 (S. mutans) and G4 (S. mutans and LAB813) (p=0.025). Inoculated LAB813 and S. mutans were found to be still present in the dental hard tissues 5 days after inoculation.
Conclusions: Our findings provided evidence for the ability of LAB813 to decrease enamel demineralization, suggesting the potential of LAB813 to be used as an anti-caries agent. Further studies are currently underway to test the effectiveness of LAB813 in different delivery systems, e.g., as a non-invasive topical agent, followed by the initiation of clinical trials. LAB813, therefore, offers significant potential in reducing childhood caries, a serious chronic disease.
Teledentistry Perceptions and Practices among British Columbia Dentists
Research Committee Members:
Dr. Mario Brondani
Dr Jolanta Aleksejuniene
Dr. Leeann Donnelly
Objectives: This study aims to understand the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of dentists in British Columbia towards teledentistry, if/how they implemented teledentistry in their practices during COVID-19, and if they intend to continue to use teledentistry.
Methods: A 21-item online anonymous survey consisting of multiple choice and agreement level questions was developed using previously validated surveys on teledentistry in addition to newly created questions. Inclusion criteria were dentists or certified dental specialists who were licensed to practice during the recommendation to suspend elective dental care in British Columbia on March 16, 2020. After piloting, the survey was distributed to 3751 dentists in British Columbia between July 18, 2022, to October 24, 2022 through the British Columbia Dental Association, and to all University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry clinical faculty instructors from the listserv. Sample size was set at 660. Descriptive statistics, bivariate chi-square analysis, and binary logistic regression analyses were performed. Statistical significance was set at p<0.001.
Results: A total of 268 surveys were returned, and 198 met the inclusion criteria for data analysis. The majority of dentists agreed on the benefits of teledentistry. Just over half (53.6%) of participants had used a form of teledentistry at the time of survey. Over three quarters (75.8%) of the respondents had no prior training in teledentistry. Of those who had used teledentistry, the majority had used telephone (74.2%) or email (62.1%) as the teledentistry modality of administering care while less than 15% had used video conferencing. Just over half (51.6%) felt unprepared to use teledentistry at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, while 70.7% of participants felt comfortable using teledentistry. Clinicians with over 22 years of clinical practice experience felt more comfortable diagnosing dental conditions using teledentistry. Participants who were comfortable and felt prepared with teledentistry were significantly more likely to continue using teledentistry. Comfort level was found to be a predictor for future teledentistry use.
Conclusion: Dentists in British Columbia were unprepared for the provision of care using teledentistry at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, although they had felt comfortable in using such technology at the time of being surveyed. Future research should focus on how to best implement teledentistry into dental school curriculum and continuing education resources.
2022 Abstracts from the CAPD/ACDP 2022 Annual Conference in Whistler, BC
Exploring Part-time Clinical Instructors’ Knowledge of Minimal Intervention Dentistry
Dr. Mandeep Gill
Gill M*1, Brondani MA1, Manso AP1, Mathu-Muju KR.1
1Department of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Purpose: In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in managing carious lesions minimally invasively and this concept is known as Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID). Recommendations from the Canadian Core Cariology Curriculum symposium encouraged reflection and recommended further investigations into the teaching of MID in Canadian dental institutions. As Canadian dental schools heavily rely on part-time sessional instructors to support the clinical teaching program, it is of value to understand the knowledge of University of British Columbia’s part-time clinical instructors have of MID in the management of dental caries in patients of any age. Therefore, the purpose of this study aimed to explore UBC’s part time instructors’ knowledge of the principles of minimal intervention dentistry (MID) when managing caries.
Methods: A qualitative exploratory approach of inquiry was used, and purposeful selection identified part-time instructors that support the clinical teaching of dental students during the delivery of patient care in the clinical setting for semi-structured interviews. The interview guide, modeled after Schulte et al. 2011, presented 3 clinical caries management scenarios with questions exploring the participants’ knowledge of the five domains of cariology and minimal intervention management: knowledge base, risk assessment, diagnosis, synthesis, and choice of surgical/non- surgical therapy. Interviews were conducted over Zoom, audio recorded, and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was conducted with an interpretive deductive-inductive approach.
Results: Nine interviews were completed. The participants consisted of 6 males and 3 females between 55-76 years of age, with 32-45 years of private practice experience, and who had taught anywhere between 3-19 years. The thematic analysis led to the identification of two themes and their respective categories: Foundational knowledge - caries detection methods, caries detection limitations, evaluating lesion activity, categorizing caries risk, selective dentin removal, and pulpal diagnosis; and Caries management decision making - adherence to oral health measures, diagnostic uncertainty, patient cooperation, and economics.
Conclusions: UBC part-time instructors were familiar with the concepts but did not necessarily fully implement minimally invasive dentistry strategies into their hypothetical caries management plans. As MID principles do not appear to have been consistently adopted by sessional instructors, this may pose challenges to consistent teaching of modern caries management to dental students in the clinical educational setting. As dental schools depend upon community dentists to support clinical teaching programs, it would be advisable to consider providing continuing education for sessional instructors to help ensure consistent, evidence-based clinical teaching of caries management.
1. Tikhonova S, Jessani A, Girard F, Macdonald ME, De Souza G, Tam L, Eggert FM, Nguyen-Ngoc C, Morin N, Aggarwal N, Schroth RJ. The Canadian Core Cariology Curriculum: Outcomes of a national symposium. J Dent Educ. 2020 Nov;84(11):1245-1253. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12313. Epub 2020 Jul 22. PMID: 32700382.
2. Schulte AG, Pitts NB, Huysmans MC, Splieth C, Buchalla W. European core curriculum in cariology for undergraduate dental students. Caries Res. 2011;45(4):336-45. doi: 10.1159/000330006. Epub 2011 Jul 14. PMID: 21757903.
The Use of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste to Prevent Dental Caries
Dr. Kelsey O'Hagan-Wong
O’Hagan-Wong, K1. Enax, J2, Meyer F2, Ganss B1
University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry
Research Department Oral Care Dr. Kurt Wolff GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
BACKGROUND: Dissolution of hydroxyapatite (HAP) from the tooth structure at low pH can lead to the irreversible destruction of enamel and dentin, which if left untreated can result in pain and tooth loss. HAP toothpastes have been recently approved for use in Canada and contain HAP particles which resemble those occurring naturally in dental enamel. HAP toothpaste particles are believed to deposit and restore demineralized enamel surfaces and are being explored as a fluoride free anti-caries agent.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this narrative review was to determine the effectiveness of hydroxyapatite containing toothpastes on enamel remineralization in vitro, in situ and in vivo.
METHODS: A literature search was carried out using the PubMed and Scopus databases. The following keywords were applied “Hydroxyapatite”, "Dentifrices", "Caries", "Remineralization", “Toothpastes”. Relevant papers in English were included in the review based on the title and abstract. Additional articles were screened from the references of selected papers as appropriate.
RESULTS: Our search generated a total of 34 results consisting of 22 in vitro studies, 6 ex vivo studies and 6 clinical trials comparing HAP toothpastes to fluoride toothpaste for caries prevention. In vitro and in situ studies report that brushing with HAP toothpaste filled in and smoothened the irregularities in the demineralized surface compared to fluoridated toothpastes, which failed to repair any enamel irregularities. Surface hardness between teeth brushed with HAP was not significantly different from those brushed with a fluoridated toothpaste, however calcium and phosphate content appear to be significantly higher following the use of HAP toothpastes in these studies. Clinical trials that investigated caries progression reported the non-inferiority of HAP toothpastes compared to fluoridated control toothpastes after 1 year.
Additional effects of HAP toothpastes include increase tooth whitening/brightening effects and decreased dentinal hypersensitivity. Furthermore, no adverse health or environmental concerns surrounding HAP toothpaste use have been reported.
CONCLUSION: This review shows that HAP may be equivalent to fluoridated toothpastes at caries prevention with few adverse effects. HAP toothpastes may be a useful fluoride free alternative for the prevention of dental caries.
EXTERNAL FUNDING: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
Emergency dental care in a paediatric hospital during COVID-19
Dr. Alexandra Rabalski
Objectives: To determine the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on paediatric dental-related emergency department (ED) visits at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Canada. This study investigated whether COVID-19 influenced patient volumes, dental conditions, and treatment provided in the ED in comparison to historical experiences.
Methods: Retrospective data on dental-related ED visits at SickKids were collected between June 2, 2018, and March 15, 2020, for the pre-pandemic group, and March 16, 2020, to March 15, 2021, for the pandemic group. All children 0 to 17 years of age that were residents of Ontario and who presented for dental-related ED visits were included. Clinical (date of visit, time of triage, consultation by a dentist, primary presenting dental condition, and intervention provided) and patient demographic information was collected. Statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics (frequency distribution), t-test and Chi-square test, with significance level set as p < 0.05.
Results: 2224 patient encounters were reviewed. 71% of patients presented to the ED pre-pandemic, and 29% presented to the ED during the pandemic period. 48.2% and 47.8% received a dental consultation before and during the pandemic, respectively. Dental trauma to the primary dentition was the most common primary presenting condition in both groups. No significant differences were found between the two periods for primary presenting condition (p = 0.065). During the pandemic, patients presenting to the ED were significantly younger (p = 0.0007). There was a significant increase in dental extractions (p < .0005) during the pandemic period. Finally, there was a significant increase in prescription of oral anti-infectives (p = < .0001) during the pandemic period.
Conclusions: Patients presenting to the ED during the pandemic were younger. For patients that were consulted by a dentist, management was more likely to be with anti-infectives, and surgical management was more likely to be with extractions. This study emphasizes the importance of pandemic preparation and paediatric emergency dental management in a hospital ED setting.
2021 Virtual Abstracts from the Joint CAPD/ACDP - AAPD VIrtual Conference
Dr. Erin Goertzen
Investigating the learning curve in dental caries diagnosis from children's bitewing radiographs amongst dental trainees
Goertzen E1,2, Boutis K3, Perschbacher K2,4, Barrett EJ1,2, Casas MJ1,2.
1 Discipline of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
2 Department of Dentistry, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
3 Division of Emergency Medicine, ImageSim, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
4 Discipline of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Background: Accurate radiographic diagnosis of interproximal dental caries is a key competency for dentists treating children. To date, no study investigating competency of Canadian and international dental students in radiographic diagnosis of interproximal dental caries in children exists. Computer-assisted learning (CAL) programs have shown to improve learning in medical education and may demonstrate similar positive effects in dental education. To our knowledge, there are currently no CAL programs that incorporate the diagnosis of interproximal dental caries in the primary dentition.
Objectives: To develop an interactive CAL tool designed to measure the amount and rate of skill acquisition and improve diagnosis of interproximal dental caries in children’s bitewing radiographs amongst undergraduate dental students, post-graduate pediatric dentistry residents and general practice trainees.
Methods: This was a multicenter prospective cross-sectional study. We enrolled undergraduate dental students in their second, third, or fourth year of study, graduate pediatric dentistry residents, and general practice trainees in accredited dental programs in Canada and Australia. Study participants learned to interpret children’s bitewing radiographs on a web-based platform by deliberately practicing 193 cases with the goal of achieving a mastery learning standard of 75% accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Participants identified the presence/absence of dental caries, and if present, were tasked to identify the specific location of all interproximal dental caries on the radiograph. A sample size of 95 was determined using a McNemar test power analysis.
Results: To date, there are 59 participants enrolled, 37 of which have started doing cases. From these 37 participants, 8021 cases have been completed, and three participants achieved the competency standard (example participant data, Figure 1). After data collection is complete, we will calculate the diagnostic performance change from initial to peak accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity across all study participants and compare performance trends. We will also report the number of cases completed to achieve the mastery learning standard.
Conclusion: Employing the technique of deliberate practice with this CAL tool has demonstrated feasibility and may prove as a useful adjunct to traditional educational methods for diagnosis of interproximal dental caries in children’s bitewing radiographs.
Dr. Melika Modabber
Qualitative study of children’s dental experiences and ways to improve them
Author: Melika Modabber D.M.D, MSc candidate University of Toronto
Supervisors: Dr. L. Dempster PhD, University of Toronto,. Dr. A. Taddio PhD, University of Toronto
Thesis Committee: Dr. C. Meghan McMurtry PhD, University of Guelph, Dr. K. Campbell, MSc., D.D.S MSc., F.R.C.D.(c), University of Toronto
Background: Currently, limited data exists pertaining to childrens’ perceived dental experiences, and what can be done to enhance such dental experiences. Understanding this knowledge gap is critical to establish more patient-centered dental care.
Objectives: Using one-on-one interviews, this qualitative study sought to evaluate children’s perceptions about their dental experiences and explore their ideas about how to improve their experiences using the CARD™ system adapted for the context of dentistry.
Methods: Virtual video interviews were conducted with patients aged 8-12 years. A purposive sample of patients receiving comprehensive care in the last 12-months (Nov 2019-2020) at the Pediatric Dental Clinic at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto was obtained. Powerpoint slides were used to orient participants to aspects of dental visits and procedures. Children’s perceptions of various dental treatments and ways to enhance those experiences were elicited through semi-structured interview questions. A modified CARD™ system was introduced and its role in improving various dental experiences was evaluated. CARD™ (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) is a patient-centred framework used to promote coping as evaluated previously during vaccinations. Data were analyzed using Inductive Thematic Analysis as described by Braun and Clarke (2006), whereby major themes were constructed based on recurrent patterns identified within the data.
Results: To date, nine children have been interviewed. Their dental experiences ranged from routine preventive treatments (i.e. cleaning) to invasive procedures (i.e. administration of local anesthesia [LA]). These children perceived non-invasive procedures to be “fine”, “enjoyable”, and “uneventful”. Conversely, invasive procedures were considered “painful”, and “uncomfortable”. Major themes constructed from the data include the importance of parental presence and effective communication by dental professionals. Children experienced reduced anxiety if they perceived their dentist to be empathic and warm, with an open, honest communication style. In contrast, poor communication and impatience negatively influenced the dental experience. Patients were highly receptive of the CARD™ system to help them cope with dental treatment, particularly during invasive dental procedures. Within CARD™, participants preferred to employ Comfort, Relax (deep belly breathing), and Distract interventions (audio-visual distractions) as techniques to mitigate dental anxiety and optimize their dental experience. Children preferred information sharing about the CARD™ system prior to future appointments by their parents or dental providers.
Conclusions: This study suggests that children have multifaceted views towards their dental treatment and are highly receptive to the CARD™ system as an intervention to enhance their dental experiences.
Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research In Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
Dr. Ayala Rubin
Nitrous Oxide Delivery Systems in Dentistry: A Critical Review
Ayala Rubin, BA, DDS
Supervisor: Carilynne Yarascavitch, B.Sc., D.D.S., M.Sc., Dip. A.D.B.A.
Introduction; Nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation (NOS) is used extensively in dentistry today as a common form of minimal sedation for adult and paediatric patients undergoing dental procedures. As nitrous oxide is both a green-house gas and an occupational hazard, it is important to conserve nitrous oxide and avoid leaks into the surrounding environment. There are a number of design factors that can be implemented into a nitrous oxide and oxygen device to optimize delivery, including the way the gas is released from the tanks, the scavenging unit, and the mask used for the patient to inhale the gasses. A critical review was undertaken to reflect on the current gas delivery mechanisms available for NOS in medical and dental settings and to highlight knowledge gaps that can be improved by further research in the dental setting.
Body of Presentation; Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined, and a search strategy was developed. Final searches of Medline, Embase and Web of Science were conducted on June 30, 2021, resulting in 1056 articles retrieved. Title and abstract screening, followed by full-text review, resulted in a total of 111 articles being included for this review. The medical literature demonstrated that demand-driven NOS devices (where inspiration releases the gasses) are widely used in adult populations, and that continuous-flow NOS devices (where gasses are released continuously) are commonly used in the pediatric population. In contrast, the dental literature reports continuous-flow NOS devices almost exclusively. Both the medical and dental literature discuss the importance of scavenging to prevent occupational nitrous oxide exposure, and advise use of a double-mask to avoid leakage. This presentation will review these delivery systems and considerations for their use.
Summary; NOS is used extensively in both medical and dental settings. Knowledge of the delivery system used, ideal scavenging, and consideration for a demand-driven delivery device in dentistry can help providers optimize nitrous oxide in their practices.
Dr. Zahra Samji
Investigating Taurodontism in an Adolescent Population Using Dental Panoramic Radiographs
Samji Z, MacDonald D. (The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Objectives: Taurodontism was thought to be associated mainly with oro-facial syndromes but studies in normal Chinese and Brazilian adult populations shown that this trait is relatively common. We hypothesize that taurodontism is a variation of normal root morphology that may be present in an adolescent population as an incidental finding.
Methods: Digital dental panoramic radiographs (DPRs) taken of 124 adolescents aged between 15 and 20 years old (male: female ratio; 59:65), attending the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Dentistry Clinic between July 2006 and June 2019 were examined. Unrestored first and second permanent molars with closed apices were measured digitally and a taurodont ratio index was obtained using the Shifman and Chanannel criteria.
Results: The total number of teeth examined was 992 and the proportion of taurodont teeth was 17%. Of the 124 cases, 68 had at least one taurodont tooth. There were 43 cases with bilateral taurodont teeth. Taurodontism had a higher predilection for females (63%) as compared to males (46%). This difference was statistically significant for all molars with a P value ranging from P = .003 to P = .043 except for the upper left second permanent molar (tooth 27) and the lower left second permanent molar (tooth 37). The extent of taurodontism was mostly mild (53%).
Conclusions: Our results suggest that mild taurodontism is relatively common in the local adolescent population similar to what was reported elsewhere. The ability to identify these teeth and diagnose them early can help inform treatment planning decisions.
Dr. Jessica Tam
Chinese-Canadian Parents’ Attitude Towards General Anesthesia for Pediatric Dental Treatment
Tam J1, Donnelly L1, von Bergmann HC1, Mathu-Muju K1
1Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (UBC)
Objectives: Obtaining informed consent for dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia (GA) for young children with extensive treatment needs is a patient-centered process involving shared decision-making with the family. However, due to intercultural differences, this may present challenges with immigrant families who may not be familiar with North American consent processes and standards of care. This study aimed to explore the barriers and facilitators to immigrant Chinese parents’ provision of informed consent for the use of GA to manage the behaviour of pre-cooperative children with extensive dental treatment needs.
Methods: A semi-structured, open-ended questionnaire utilizing vignettes was developed to guide the interview process with immigrant Chinese parents of young children presenting for dental care in Vancouver, Canada. Interviews were conducted in Mandarin and subsequently transcribed, translated, and coded; thematic analysis determined emerging themes.
Results: Six major themes emerged from 12 interviews: parental expectations of young children’s ability to cooperate for extensive dental treatment; differences in intercultural perspectives around the need to protect a child’s developing psyche; parental concerns about safety and possible adverse impacts on neurodevelopment; influence of parental knowledge of oral health in the primary dentition; influence of economic factors on providing informed consent; influence of ethnic Chinese cultural values on the informed consent process.
Conclusions: The results of this study suggests that differing intercultural expectations related to oral health care for children may present significant barriers to obtaining informed consent for dental rehabilitation under GA for Chinese-Canadian parents. It also emphasizes the importance to discuss potential adverse outcomes associated with GA at the parent consultation appointment. In order to empower the family to make the best informed decision, dentists should consider the acculturation discrepancy of immigrant families to ensure the optimal overall health of the child/family.
2020 Abstracts, Virtual, in light of the cancellation of the Whistler, BC Annual Conference
Nashat Cassim, University of Toronto The Experience and Perceptions of Dental Students in Treating Adults with Developmental Disabilities Nashat Cassim1, Maria Mylopoulos2, Karen Campbell1, Laura Dempster1 1Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto; 2 Wilson Center for Research in Education, United Health Network (UHN), University of Toronto Objectives: Adults with Developmental Disabilities (AWDDs) experience a higher prevalence and severity of dental diseases. This can be attributed partly to barriers to access to care, one of which is the limited training of dentists. The objective of this study is to investigate the perceptions of dental student with regards to treating AWDDs, as well as their experience in doing so during their rotation to Mount Sinai Hospital dental clinic. Methods: A qualitative approach was used to elucidate the experiences and perceptions of dental students with regards to treating AWDDs. To gain a better understanding of these concepts three groups were interviewed in a semi-structured fashion: experts who extensively work with AWDDs (expert group), students who had no clinical training to treat AWDDs (disconfirming sample), and students who had completed their clinical training to treat AWDDs (confirming sample). Interviews were conducted in-person or via video call in a one-on-one manner. Interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed for themes (NC, LD, MM). Results: A total of 14 interviews were completed. Experts described their motivations for working with AWDDs (i.e. personal gratification, seeking a challenge, and health advocacy/social responsibility). Disconfirming and confirming samples highlighted the impact of the informal curriculum on forming their expectations of working with AWDDs as well as the increased importance of clinical training compared to didactic in the development of their skills and expectations. Disconfirming and confirming samples identified the challenges of working with AWDDs (i.e. barriers to care, recognizing limitations, inadequate training, and a fear of providing inadequate care). The confirming sample described the rotation as a transformative learning experience that instilled a sense of health advocacy and social responsibility in them. The confirming sample described the development of interpersonal skills, adaptability and efficiency, which were skills the experts felt were important to successfully work with AWDDs. The confirming sample and experts differed on their opinion of the relative importance of the skills they developed, with students placing more importance on technical skills and experts on interpersonal skills. Conclusions: This study provides insight into the experience of dental students during their training to treat AWDDs. The alignment between the skills students developed and the skills experts described as important suggests that the clinical training is adequate. The difference in perceived relative importance of skills between the students and experts demonstrates a need to adjust the curriculum to align these perceptions and the possible influence of the hidden curriculum. Hamideh Alai-Towfigh, University of Manitoba Canadian Dentists’ Views on the First Dental Visit and Early Childhood Oral Health Hamideh Alai-Towfigh, BSc, DMD, MDent (c), Robert J Schroth, DMD, MSc, PhD Funding provided by the Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry Endowment Fund Objectives: Early first dental visits set children on the proper trajectory for a lifetime of optimal oral health. The purpose of this study is to undertake secondary analysis of data obtained from a national survey of Canadian dentists to determine their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors relating to the first dental visit. Methods: In 2013, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) undertook a national survey of its members. General and pediatric dentists received an email invitation to complete an electronic survey. This survey questioned dentists about their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding the timing of the first dental visit and early childhood oral health. The survey also collected demographic and practice characteristics of respondents. Statistical analyses included descriptive and bivariate statistics. A p-value ≤ 0.05 was significant. Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Manitoba’s Health Research Ethics Board. The CDA also provided approval for this study. Results: Overall, 2,504 dentists participated (17.0% response rate), 58.5 % male, 20.6±12.8 years in practice, 96.6 % general dentists, and 49.5% practicing in a metropolitan centre. On average, dentists recommended a first visit by 20.4 ±10.8 months. Only 45.6% recommended a first visit ≤ 12 months of age, while 54.4% recommended over the age of 12 months. The majority of respondents (59.5%) knew the age being recommended for a first dental visit by professional dental organizations. A vast majority (74.2 %) had seen a patient who was less than 12 months of age, but did not typically see a child this young (82.3 %). More than half (55.3 %) of dentists who reported not seeing patients by 12 months of age, referred them to a colleague who was willing to do so. Almost all respondents (94.8%) actively discussed early childhood dental care with their patients and also provided parents with information on how to care for their child’s teeth. Analysis is ongoing and will investigate provider characteristics associated with seeing children by the first birthday milestone. Conclusions: Our findings reveal that many dentists do not recommend first visits by 12 months of age despite it being the CDA’s position. Data can assist in informing targeted educational campaign on early childhood oral health to dentists. This study will also serve as a baseline for future investigations into changes in dentists’ practice behaviors. |
2019 Abstracts, Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Ashley Gill, University of Washington
Comparison of Three Esthetic Full-coverage Restorations in Primary Maxillary Incisors
Ashley Gill DMD, Mariella Garcia DDS, Se Won An BSc, JoAnna Scott PhD, Ana L. Seminario DDS, PhD, MPH (University of Washington, Seattle, Washington)
Objective: To compare the 12-month clinical outcomes of primary maxillary incisors restored with composite strip crowns (CSCs), NuSmile Preveneered Stainless Steel Crowns (PVSSCs), and NuSmile Zirconia Crowns (ZCs).
Methods: The University of Washington (UW) Human Subjects Review Board (STUDY00003980) approved this single-center, single-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial. There was financial support from NuSmile (Houston, Texas, USA). The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by the UW Human Subjects Review Board in accordance with its policy on objectivity in research. One hundred and thirty-five (N=135) teeth in 47 children aged two to four years with ECC were randomly assigned to one of the three crown groups and were available at follow-up. Demographic and tooth-related variables at baseline and at 12 months were assessed by calibrated examiners. Fisher’s exact or Chi-square tests were used to test associations (P<.05).
Results: Children were on average 3.4 years, female (55%), and had a mean dmft of 10.6. At 12 months, crown retention was significantly lower for CSCs than PVSSCs or ZCs (79% vs 100% and 95%, P=.002). Partial and complete loss of esthetic facing was significantly higher in CSCs than PVSSCs or ZCs (29% vs 11% and 0%, P<.001). Teeth restored with composite presented with an increased rate of marginal discrepancies and color change (P<.001). Parental dissatisfaction of the crowns was most often related to color (83%), whereby 63% were dissatisfied with CSCs, and 37% with PVSSCs, while no parents were concerned with the color of ZCs (P=0.005). The remainder of parental esthetic dissatisfaction regarded shape and alignment of ZCs (P=0.007).
Conclusions: Clinical outcomes were significantly different among CSCs, PVSSCs, and ZCs at 12 months. CSCs showed significantly reduced clinical success in regard to retention, facing integrity, marginal adaptation, and color compared to PVSSCs or ZCs. Overall parental esthetic satisfaction was highest for ZCs.
Dr. Pauline Lee, University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia Children’s Dental Program – A Retrospective Study, Lee PSJ, Aleksejuniene J (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC)
Objective: Many dental schools contribute to public health through free or reduced-fee treatment for underserved pediatric populations. The University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Dentistry’s students provide dental care to pediatric patients through a bussing program known as the Children’s Dental Program (CDP), which transports children from areas outside of Vancouver city limits to UBC for free care. The purpose of this study was to quantify the scope of the CDP by reviewing the populations serviced and dental treatment provided over the past 21 years.
Methods: De-identified data was retrieved from UBC’s axiUm Dental Software database, including demographic information and treatment procedures performed. The first three digits of the patients’ postal codes were used to create choropleth maps using QGIS Software. The treatment procedures were organized into ten categories, including preventive and restorative. The 21-year period was split into 4 periods (Period 1 to Period 4), and one-way ANOVA testing was done using SPSS Software.
Results: A total of 5,203 patients were treated between April 1997 and March 2018. A majority were from the suburbs of Surrey, Abbotsford, and Burnaby. Over each successive period, the number of patients increased (1,279 in Period 1 to 1,641 in Period 4), but the mean number of total procedures decreased (13.1 procedures per patient in Period 1 to 8.4 in Period 4, p<0.001). The mean number of restorative procedures was found to have decreased over the periods (4.4 per patient in Period 1 to 2.3 in Period 4, p<0.001). The mean number of preventive procedures also decreased over the four periods (4.3 per patient in Period 1 to 2.5 in Period 4, p<0.001).
Conclusions: The CDP has been providing dental care to children from many disadvantaged communities located in the Vancouver suburbs. Since its inception, the number of patients seen had increased, but the number of treatment procedures had decreased. Based on the interesting inverse trend of patients seen to procedures performed, the next step in this study will be to further investigate changes in the treatment needs of the population. The preventive component in patient care appeared to have decreased over the periods; further analyses will be done to determine the reasons. This will allow us to suggest valuable and timely improvements for the CDP. Last but not least, the method of using procedure codes to calculate treatment provision may be useful in epidemiology for indirectly quantifying a population’s treatment needs.
Dr. Kimberly Ngai, University of Toronto
Ex vivo evaluation of novel antimicrobial-containing adhesive systems for bacterial inhibition and secondary caries reduction
Kimberly Ngai1, Cameron Stewart1,2, Dennis Cvitkovitch1,2, Andreas Mandelis2,3, Benjamin Hatton2,4, Yoav Finer1,2
1Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
2Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario
3Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario
4Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario
Objectives: Resin composite restorations fail prematurely within 5-7 years from placement, primarily due to bacterial attack and subsequent secondary caries formation. We previously developed drug-silica co-assembled particles (DSPs) utilizing the antimicrobial agent octenidine dihydrochloride as a template for long-term antimicrobial effect. The aim of this ex vivo study was to examine the efficacy of experimental total-etch and self-etch dental adhesives containing DSPs in 1) inhibiting interfacial bacterial biodegradation markers (biofilm formation, viability, and penetration), and 2) reducing the development of secondary caries.
Methods: Standardized specimens were prepared from commercial resin composite (Z250, 3M) bonded to human dentin using either modified commercial total-etch (DTE) (Scotchbond, 3M) or self-etch (DSE) (EasyBond, 3M) adhesives (experimental) loaded with 10% wt. DSPs, or control DSP-free commercial total-etch (TE) or self-etch (SE) adhesives.
Two experiments were conducted: 1) Specimens were incubated in simulated human salivary esterase media mimicking physiological oral conditions (37°C, pH=7) for 0, 90 and 180 days to induce interfacial biodegradation. Specimens were then suspended in a continuous flow biofilm fermenter inoculated with Streptococcus mutans UA159 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 11981 mimicking pathogenic oral conditions for 3 days. Biofilm formation, viability and penetration were measured using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) (Imaris, Bitplane). 2) Specimens were incubated for 7 days in sucrose-supplemented media and bacterial species as above. Volume of demineralization and cavitation were evaluated using micro-computed tomography (µCT). Two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test were used for statistical analyses (p<0.05).
Results: DTE specimens had a reduction in all bacterial biodegradation markers compared to controls at all time points (average reduction of 19.2 ±4.9%, 23.1 ±4.3%, and 15.5 ±5.6% in biomass, viability and penetration, respectively) (p<0.05). DSE specimens reduced bacterial biomass and viability (average 15 ±5.8% and 44.1 ±4.7%, respectively) at all time points (p<0.05), and reduced bacterial penetration at 6 months only (23 ±8.3%) (p<0.05). Initial µCT results show reduced cavitation/secondary caries formation in drug-containing specimens compared to controls.
Conclusions: Dental adhesives containing DSPs show reduced bacterial biofilm formation, viability and/or penetration versus controls. The reduction in these markers is expected to significantly impact the rate of secondary caries formation, as indicated by the preliminary µCT results. Completion of the µCT analyses will allow validation of CLSM as a predictive quantitative method for secondary caries formation. With increasing demands for aesthetic restorations in children, incorporation of antimicrobial activity into dental adhesives may be a promising strategy to improve the longevity of resin composite restorations.
Dr. Michael Rullo, University of Toledo Medical Center
Visits to the Emergency Department for Paediatric Dental Treatment
Introduction: Many patients with dental emergencies are seen in the hospital emergency department after regular dental service hours. It is not fully understood why these patients are seeking care at the hospital emergency department rather than calling their local dentist or other after-hours dental services. Previous studies investigated mostly adult populations and were retrospective from hospital records. This results in correlation-based conclusions rather than direct responses from the parents.
Dental related hospital emergency department visits burden the healthcare system costing 1.6 billion per year while the majority of these could be managed in community dental practices.1 Data from the ADA demonstrated a decline in adult utilization of the emergency department since 2000 however usage from the paediatric population has been left unchanged.2 When patients have a dental home this significantly reduces the usage of emergency services.2
Objective: The purpose of this current study was to determine why patients are utilizing hospital emergency departments for dental related emergencies when there is limited or no dental coverage available. It is hypothesized that patients from the Toledo and surrounding area are utilizing after hours hospital emergency services for dental emergencies because they do not know where to seek dental treatment after regular business hours.
Methods: This study is an observational cohort study. Data was collected utilizing a survey pertaining to the dental emergency. Inclusion criteria consisted of children under the age of 15 who presented to the University of Toledo Medical Center Hospital Emergency Department after hours for emergency dental treatment.
Results: Preliminary results show most emergencies are related to dental trauma (84.2%) compared to infection. Most patients are insured through government funded programs (94.7%) and 47.3% have a dental home. Most parents perceived the severity of the emergency to be high and came to the hospital emergency department to get an assessment less than 6hrs after the time of incident. 42.1% of respondents phoned a dentist before coming to the hospital emergency department. 52.6% presented to the hospital emergency department because they had no other option or could not get a hold of any dental care provider.
Conclusions: Parents do not have adequate access to after-hours dental emergency services even if they have a dental home. Parents with and without a dental home lack adequate knowledge regarding what to do when their child experiences a dental emergency. Most paediatric patient traumatic injuries tend to be perceived as serious by their parents.
Reference List
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2018 Abstracts, Banff, Alberta
Tara Kennedy, The Association of Body Mass Index and Severe Early Childhood Caries in Young Children
Survival of class III amalgam and composite restorations in primary cuspid teeth
Edwin Ka Meng Chan1, Paul Andrews1, Amir Azarpazhooh1, Michael Sigal1, Keith Titley1 1Graduate Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Background: There is minimal literature available on the longevity of intra-coronal direct restorations in primary cuspid teeth, limiting the ability of clinicians and patients to make evidence-based treatment decisions.
Objectives: The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to determine the survival of class III amalgam and composite restorations in primary canines.
Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed at the pediatric dental clinic at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A total of 403 amalgam and 698 composite restorations placed in 603 patients between 1999 and 2017 were included in this study. Demographic and clinical information were collected from the charts for analysis.
Results: The median survival time of amalgam and composite was approximately 4.5 years and
3.8 years respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the clinical survival of amalgam and composite (log-rank test: p=0.09, Wilcoxon: p=0.31). Amalgam was significantly less likely to fail due to recurrent caries versus composite with a relative risk of 0.35 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.61; p=0.02).
Conclusions: In this study, amalgam and composite restorations both demonstrate acceptable survival to be used as class III restorations in primary canines. Patients who are at high risk for caries may be candidates for amalgam restorations to increase the chance of survival and reduce the likelihood of recurrent decay. Long-term controlled prospective studies are recommended for further investigation.
Tricalcium silicate-based cement (BiodentineTM) pulpotomies in permanent traumatised teeth with complicated fractures
Objectives: The aim of this multicentric prospective study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcomes of BiodentineTM (BD) pulpotomies on permanent traumatised teeth with pulp exposure.
Methods: This study was carried out in two hospital-based dental departments in Canada. Children seeking emergency care following trauma to anterior permanent teeth were invited to participate in this study. Medically compromised children and teeth with concomitant avulsion were excluded. Data collected included: patient demographics, time since pulp exposure, size of exposure, color of pulp tissue, associated trauma and radiographic root maturation stage. A standardized vital pulpotomy technique using BD was followed in both centers. The treatment outcome was assessed clinically and radiographically at 1 week, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after treatment. Clinical success was determined when a tooth remained asymptomatic and when it responded positively to vitality testing. Radiographic success was determined as follow: formation of dentinal bridge, continuation of root maturation (apexogenesis) in immature teeth and normal appearance of periradicular tissues.
Results: Thirty-four patients between the age of 8 to 16 years old (mean 10.86 ± 2.2) were included in this study. There were 26 males and 13 females. A total of 39 teeth were treated with a BD vital pulpotomy. Average time since pulp exposure was 8.3 hours and average size of exposure was 1.6 millimeters. Thirteen teeth (33%) had an immature apex.
Preliminary results at six-month follow-up showed a survival rate of 100% and a success rate of 97%. One failure was noted one month post-treatment and the tooth was subsequently treated with root canal therapy. As per clinical outcomes, 94% of teeth responded positively to vitality testing at one month and 100% at six-month follow-up. Thirty three percent of teeth presented tooth sensitivity at one month and 15% at six-month follow-up. Five teeth showed slight discoloration, however the results remained esthetically satisfying. Radiographic outcomes showed dentinal bridge formation in 78% of cases. Nine (69%) immature teeth showed continued root formation.
Conclusions: BD is a suitable material for pulpotomies on anterior permanent traumatised teeth with a pulp exposure. It may be a good alternative to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate vital pulpotomies as it does not cause significant discoloration, and to root canal treatment as it can allow root maturation.
The Association of Body Mass Index and Severe Early Childhood Caries in Young Children
Authors: T. Kennedy, C. Rodd, C. Daymont, ME. Moffatt, B. Mittermuller, S. Signh, C. Grant, A. Pierce, A. Letellier, M. Gusmini, RJ. Schroth
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and severe early childhood caries (S-ECC) in children undergoing general anesthesia (GA) for dental surgery in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Methods: Children included in this study were recruited into a larger prospective investigation evaluating the variations in nutritional status and well-being following dental rehabilitation of S-ECC under GA. Parents provided written informed consent. Pre-operative height and weight measurements were obtained using a digital Detecto Pro-Doc scale and stadiometer. BMI Z-scores were calculated using the Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group anthropometric calculators for World Health Organization (WHO) growth references. Operative reports were reviewed to calculate decayed, missing, filled, teeth/surfaces (dmft/dmfs) scores based on treatment rendered and to document numbers of pulpotomies and extractions. Approval was obtained from the University of Manitoba’s Health Research Ethics Board. Funding was provided by the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, grant number: 317939,326300,2000. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, bivariate tests, and correlation analysis to evaluate the association of BMI Z-score and severity of dental caries as defined by dmfs.
Results: Overall, 150 children with S-ECC were recruited; 52% female, with a mean age of 47.7±14.2 (mean±SD) months. The average dmfs was 40.2±17.5, with significantly higher dmfs found in males (45.5±17.1) than females (35.2±16.4) (p<0.001). A total of 42% participants were classified as at risk of overweight (18.7%), overweight (16.7%), or obese (6.6%) based on WHO growth charts (mean BMI Z- score=0.9±1.3, range:-2.2 – 4.2). Correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship between BMI Z-score and dmfs (r =0.2 p=0.04) as well as number of anterior extractions (r=0.2; p<0.01). A negative relationship was found between posterior extractions and BMI z-score (r=-0.2; p=0.02).
Registered First Nations children had significantly higher BMI Z-scores (1.2±1.2 versus 0.4±1.3; p<0.001) and dmfs (43.8±17.5 versus 35.5±16.4; p<0.01) compared to all other children in the study.
Conclusions: Over 40% of children in this study are considered to be at risk for overweight, overweight, or obese; a finding previously reported in Manitoba. In this population, an increased BMI z-score was found to be associated with higher dmfs scores and greater need for anterior extractions. Further analysis is ongoing and will include multiple linear regression models to control for many of the confounding variables that are associated with both obesity and S-ECC.
Effectiveness of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) to Arrest Early Childhood Caries (ECC)
Authors: R Sihra, M Bertone, H Martin, B Patterson, B Mittermuller, V Lee, ME Moffatt, J Edwards, P Dahl, G ‘tJong, L Dufour, K Hai-Santiago, M Fontana, L Robertson, RJ Schroth
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of SDF to arrest ECC and to determine the association with oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL).
Methods: Children with active caries lesions in primary teeth were recruited from community clinics in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Following informed consent, parents completed a questionnaire. At baseline, soft cavitated lesions involving dentin (ICDAS 5 or 6) were treated with 38% SDF. Colour, size and hardness of lesions were recorded at each visit. Four months after the first visit, treated lesions were assessed to determine if they had arrested (black in colour and very hard dentin) and a second application of 38% SDF was provided. The early childhood oral health impact scale (ECOHIS) was completed at the second visit. Nine months following the baseline visit, children return for the third and final visit to assess whether treated lesions have arrested and to complete a follow-up questionnaire including a follow-up ECOHIS. All assessments were conducted by one examiner. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics (frequencies, means, arrest rates) and bivariate statistics (t tests).
Results: Forty-one children (mean age 41.7 ± 15.9 months) had a total of 241 caries lesions treated. To date, 37 children (48.7% male) with 216 lesions (109 posterior, 107 anterior) completed the second visit. Overall, 156 (72.2%) lesions were arrested after the first application of SDF (74 (67.9%) posterior, 82 (76.6%) anterior lesions). Difficulty in providing treatment due to compliance of the child was reported for 8 participants for whom the overall arrest rate was 47.9% versus 81.9% when no difficulty was reported (p=0.0025). The mean ECOHIS score at second visit was 4.1 ± 4.6 (range 0 to 20) out of a maximum score of 52, with higher scores indicating poorer OHRQoL. A total of 78.4% of parents reported that their child has never or hardly ever had pain in the mouth, teeth, or jaws. Data collection is ongoing and the final arrest rate will be determined once all third visits are completed.
Conclusions: Preliminary results suggest that SDF may be effective in arresting caries in children with ECC, but behavior may influence the success of SDF.
Operating funds were provided by the University of Manitoba and from Dr. Schroth’s CIHR Embedded Clinician Research award.
Waiting Room Time: An Opportunity for Caregiver Oral Health Education
Research Advisor: Dr. Jolanta Aleksejūnienė
Research Committee: Dr. Rosamund Harrison and Dr. Komkham Pattanaporn
Department of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
For several decades, senior UBC dental students have provided free dental treatment for low income children in the UBC Children’s Dental Program (CDP). However, dental students have limited time to provide oral health education and counselling to accompanying caregivers during care visits. Therefore, the present work aimed to develop a ʺwaiting-room basedʺ dental health education program (DHEP) and assess its short-term effectiveness in changing parents’ dental health-related behaviours (“dental behaviours”).
The PRECEDE-PROCEED theoretical model was used to develop and evaluate the program. Overall, the project had three distinct phases: preparation, intervention and evaluation.
Preparation (Phase 1) involved a situational analysis (SA) which informed the DHEP design. Structured interviews were conducted with caregivers and various stakeholders of the CDP, including Health Authority Staff, UBC Pediatric Dentistry instructors and participating dental students.
Information gathered from the SA was used to design the Intervention (Phase 2) which was delivered by one individual in the waiting rooms at UBC’s two children’s dental clinics. During the intervention, each caregiver set personalized goals for changing their child’s “dental behaviours”. For Evaluation (Phase 3), caregivers were contacted by telephone, 2 to 3 months after counselling, to follow-up on their personalized goals and document their self-reported children’s “dental behaviours”.
Comparisons were made using Chi-square tests; significance was set at P<0.05.
For Phase 1; 97 caregivers, 42 dental students, 5 HA staff and 8 instructors were interviewed. The majority of caregivers were new immigrants to Canada, had language barriers and limited dental awareness. Their preference was for one-on-one counselling supported by visuals. Input of our other informants supported such an approach.
Of the Phase 2 cohort of 80 caregivers who received DHEP, the follow-up rate for Phase 3 was 81% (67/80). Significant increases in proportions (12% to 79%) of caregivers reported that they were brushing their children’s teeth and brushing before bed (54% to 85%). Improvement in child’s snacking habits was also reported. Further, most caregivers reported providing a sweet treat as “dessert” with the meal, rather than an “in-between meal” snack. Decreases (from 93% to 69%) in giving children sugar-containing beverages and in consuming sugar-containing foods as snacks (from 94% to 31%) were also noted. All changes were significant at P < 0.05
Waiting-room based counselling, developed with the input of caregivers and other stakeholders, demonstrated measurable short-term success promoting change in oral health behaviours like home care and snacking habits. Caregivers participated enthusiastically.
2017 Abstracts, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tila Bahri Iraei Oral-Health Status of Children and Adolescents with Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Pilot Study with the Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver.
Eugénie Caron Paré, Oral manifestations of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Cameron Grant, Oral-Health Related Quality of Life of Preschoolers with Severe Caries
Oral Health Status of Refugee Children in Canada
Poonam Sekhon, Analysis of temporal trends and presenting characteristics of severe permanent tooth injuries at a pediatric hospital over a 5-year period: preliminary results.
Objectives: Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) such as poverty, parental substance use and parental incarceration can have negative influences on the physical and mental growth and development of children. The Elizabeth Fry (EFry) Society of Greater Vancouver, which provides a variety of services to children impacted by ACE in British Columbia, expressed interest in knowing about the oral health status of the clients they serve, so that appropriate support and services could be developed as needed. The objectives of this study were to document oral-health-related behaviours of children and youth who receive services from EFry, asses and describe their current oral-health status and explore relationships between a variety of study variables including demographics (age, gender, ethnicity), social characteristics (parent in justice system), and health behaviours and oral health status.
Methods: Children and adolescents from a summer camp operated by EFry completed socio-demographic and oral- health -behaviour questionnaires. A clinical examination including an assessment of dental status (dmft/DMFT), oral hygiene status (DI-S) and gingival status (GI) was conducted on each participant. Analysis included descriptive statistics, as well as bivariate tests to determine relationships between dental health status and a variety of study variables.
Results: The 67 participants of this study, aged 6 to 16 years of age, had a mean dmft /DMFT of 3.64 with 78% having at least one decayed, missed or filled tooth. About one-fifth (19%) of children and one-third of adolescents (35%) had received fissure sealants. Of the participants, 21% and 75% had mild or moderate gingival inflammation respectively. The majority of children and adolescents (69%) had minimal tooth debris and 28% had moderate debris. No statistically significant relationship was found between dmft/DMFT and any of the study variables, including oral health behaviours.
Conclusion: For this limited small volunteer sample of EFry children and adolescents, no relationship was found between any participant characteristics and oral health status. The participants appear to be receiving needed definitive dental care however, preventive measures, specifically fissure sealants were lacking. A greater emphasis on preventive care for these children may help to ensure future oral health.
Dr. Eugénie Caron Paré, M.Sc. Candidate, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Montreal
Objectives: The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to describe the oral health status and to evaluate the occlusion of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), a rare entity with an important intra-oral feature, macroglossia.
Methods: All patients between 2 and 18 years followed for a diagnosis of BWS at the Montreal Children's Hospital or Sainte-Justine Hospital were contacted to participate in this study. Patients who agreed to participate had a complete dental examination. Data collected included: presence of dental anomalies, DMFS (decayed, missing or filled surfaces) score, gingival and periodontal health, salivary pH and dietary habits. An orthodontic evaluation was done when cooperation was acceptable. Molar occlusion classification (Angle classification), midline deviation, crossbite, open bite, overbite, overjet, symmetry, diastema and crowding were recorded on patients. The control group was composed of healthy children matched for age and sex.
Results: Fifteen children with BWS were included in the study, six males and nine females with a mean age of 7.07 years old. Three patients had been treated surgically by partial glossectomy. All patients had macroglossia except two. The median value of the DMFS was 0, the mean value of the plaque index was 0.81, while the mean value of the gingival index was 0.51. Seven patients showed dental ankylosis, shape or structural anomalies. Patients had a predominantly straight profile (9/15) and eight patients showed asymmetries. Six patients had ankyloglossia and all patients had a tongue-thrust swallowing habits except one. Most patients had a spaced dentition with anterior diastemas (12/15). Nine patients had an anterior openbite and six patients had unilateral posterior cross bite or were end to end on the molars. Data comparing to the control group is in process.
Conclusion: This study, which is the first to be interested in the oral manifestations of BWS, demonstrates that these patients had good hygiene, good gingival health and a low caries risk despite the macroglossia. However, they tend to have an anterior open bite and a trend towards a Class III malocclusion.
Oral-Health Related Quality of Life of Preschoolers with Severe Caries
Dr. Cameron Grant, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Cameron Grant (1, 2), Carrie Daymont (1, 2), Celia Rodd (1, 2), Mike Moffatt (1, 2), Andrew Pierce (2), Betty-Anne Mittermuller (1, 2), Alexandra Letellier (1, 2), Monica Gusmini (1, 2) , Bob Schroth (1, 2, 3)
1) University of Manitoba
2) CHRIM (Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba)
3) WRHA (Winnipeg Regional Health Authority)
Objective: To determine the oral-health related quality of life (OHRQL) of preschool-aged children before dental rehabilitation surgery under general anesthesia (GA) to treat severe early childhood caries (S-ECC) in Manitoba, Canada. S-ECC can affect children’s health and well-being. Little Canadian data exist on its impact on OHRQL.
Method: Children participating in this study were recruited into a larger prospective investigation examining changes in nutritional status and well-being following dental surgery to treat S-ECC. All participating parents/caregivers provided written informed consent and completed a questionnaire via interview. The questionnaire included the validated Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS), a 13-item tool to measure the OHRQL of preschoolers and their families. The study was approved by the University of Manitoba’s Health Research Ethics Board. Data analysis included descriptive statistics (frequencies, means ± Standard Deviations (SD)) and bivariate analyses (Chi Square, t tests, correlation). A p value ≤ 0.05 was significant.
Results: 150 children and their parent/caregiver completed the baseline phase. The mean age was 47.8±14.1 months and 52% were female. Overall, 12.7% of the children often/very often experienced mouth pain while 10% often/very often reported having difficulty eating some foods. Overall, 11.3% often/very often showed signs of irritation/frustration because of dental problems, while 8.0% of parents/caregivers reported often/very often having feelings of guilt related to a child’s dental problem. The mean ECOHIS score was 6.8±5.41 (range 0-30). There was no apparent difference in scores by sex (female 6.24±4.8 vs male 7.3±6.0, p=0.24) and whether the family received government assistance (p=0.12), or dental insurance (p=0.41); but, lower household income was associated with higher ECOHIS scores (p=0.01).
Conclusion: Baseline data reveals that some children with S-ECC and their families express ongoing decreased OHRQL. ECOHIS could be used as an adjunctive tool along with clinical and radiographic exam to help determine urgency of dental treatment and placement of patients on dental GA wait-lists.
Acknowledgements: External funding was provided from Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba College of Dentistry Research Fund and Endowment Fund.
Oral Health Status of Refugee Children in Canada
Dr. Anne-Marie Moreau, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec
A-M. Moreau, F. Hennous, B. Dabbagh & B. Ferraz dos Santos
Objectives: In Canada, immigrants represent up to 20% of the total population of which 10 % are
refugees. A few studies have shown that immigrants and refugee populations have poorer oral
health than their native counterparts. However, in Canada, there is sparse information on the oral
health status and needs of refugees, especially in the pediatric population. The aims of this study
were to assess the oral health status of refugee children in Montreal, Quebec, in comparison with
their Canadian-born counterparts; and to determine the association between demographic factors
and oral health status among refugee children.
Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted at the Division of Dentistry of
the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH). Charts of children with a confirmed refugee status who
presented for a complete dental examination between January 2013 and June 2016 were included
in the study. Charts of Canadian-born children attending the dental clinic were randomly matched
for age and gender and composed the control group. Demographic data including age, gender,
country of origin and time since arrival to Canada was collected. Dental forms of all children
included in this study were reviewed to assess caries experience [decayed, missing and filled teeth
(dmft)], oral hygiene, gingival health status and presence of malocclusion.
Results: Fifty-eight percent of refugee children had never seen a dentist before their arrival to
Canada. Refugee children had significant higher decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) scores
(mean dmft/DMFT score 7.29 ± 5.1) than Canadian children (mean dmft/DMFT score 4.47 ± 5)
(p<0.001). Additionally, an increased incidence of malocclusion was found, with the most common
trait being anterior crossbite (p<0.001). Compared to Canadian-born children, refugees were 5
times more likely to have caries incidence [adjusted OR 5.08, 95% CI (2.31 – 11.1), p< 0.0001].
Conclusion: Refugee children have higher rates of dental caries and poorer oral health status. The
disparity in dental caries highlight the need for dental care in the pediatric refugee population.
Dental needs should be aimed at treating active decay before pain or infection sets in for this
vulnerable population.
Analysis of temporal trends and presenting characteristics of severe permanent tooth injuries at a pediatric hospital over a 5-year period: preliminary results.
Dr. Poonam Sekhon, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Sekhon P, Barrett EJ and Casas, MJ
Objectives: To determine if the incidence of severe permanent tooth trauma presenting to an emergency department (ED) in a pediatric hospital has changed over a 5-year period in addition to investigating seasonal variations, etiology and location of injury.
Methods: This study includes a retrospective chart review of patients under 18 years of age that presented for permanent tooth trauma to SickKids ED after Department of Dentistry clinic hours, between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2015. Information regarding patient demographics, date of visit, registration time, injury time, location of injury, etiology, tooth number, diagnosis and treatment rendered were collected for patients with severe permanent tooth injury. Severe permanent tooth injury was defined based on diagnosis and treatment rendered and includes: complicated crown fractures requiring pulpal intervention, horizontal root fractures requiring a splint, lateral luxations and extrusions requiring a splint, intrusions (requiring extraction, surgical repositioning with a splint or orthodontic intervention) and avulsions (no treatment or replantation with splinting). Time series analysis will be conducted to look for trends and seasonal patterns in data.
Results: Statistical analysis is currently underway so results are preliminary. A total of 2080 patients presented to the ED for dental concerns over the 5-year period. 371 (18%) had permanent tooth trauma, and 199 (9.6%) severe trauma. Males were more commonly affected with a ratio of 2:1 and the patients average age was 11.6+/- 3.10 years. Maxillary central incisors were the most affected teeth. Avulsions comprised majority of the injuries (30%), followed by complicated crown fractures (25%), lateral luxations (18%), extrusions (15%), intrusions (9%) and horizontal root fractures (3%). When looking at trends, permanent tooth trauma shows a slight decrease over the 5-year period (Figure 1), however the subset of severe injuries appear to be stable (Figure 2). Seasonal variations were noted in time, etiology and location of injury over the 5-year period.
Conclusions: Preliminary overview of trends in severe permanent tooth trauma presenting to the ED shows no change over the 5-year period, implying that EDs are often relied upon to evaluate and treat complex dental injuries. Completion of the time series analysis will allow a closer assessment of the trends in the data set.
Funding provided by the Department of Dentistry, SickKids.
Dr. Edwin Chan, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Introduction: The treatment of immature necrotic permanent teeth presents several clinical challenges in endodontics. Regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) permit root development, increase in canal wall thickness and apical closure.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term clinical and radiographical outcomes of REPs over a 30-month period.
Methods: This longitudinal cohort study was carried out at the Division of Dentistry of the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Twenty-eight immature necrotic permanent teeth from 22 patients were included in this study. All teeth were treated with a standardized REP protocol. Patients had follow-up appointments at 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 months. At each appointment, clinical examination was performed to monitor signs and symptoms. Radiographic evaluation was also performed by a calibrated endodontist in order to analyze different parameters.
Results: Our results demonstrate a high survival rate (96.4%), clinical success (92.8%) and resolution of apical pathology (100%). Significant increases in the average root length (8.1%; p<0.0001) and radiographic root area (11.6%; p=0.03) were observed after an average of 30 months follow-up. In the study period, a considerable decrease in apical diameter was also noted (p<0.0001), with 30.8% of the cases showing a complete apical closure. Teeth with more immature stages of root development had a higher percentage of change in root thickness, length and apical diameter; however, these results were not statistically significant.
Conclusion: REPs showed high resolution of apical pathology and clinical success without significant complications in treating immature necrotic permanent teeth over a 30-month period. An increased root thickness, root length and apical closure was observed, although a clinically significant change was not achieved in all cases.
Dr. Kunal Chander, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
Objectives: To examine the effects of artificial aging on shear bond strength to dentin (SBS), flexural strength (FS) and diametral tensile strength (DTS) of four restorative glass ionomer cements.
Methods: Sound extracted human permanent molars were ground to flat occlusal dentin surface and fixed in a circular mold with an auto-cured acrylic resin for the shear bond strength test. The teeth were randomly divided into four groups: (1) Fuji II LC (FLC), (2) Equia (EQ), (3) Ketac Nano (KN), and (4) Ketac Molar (KM). For each dentin surface, two glass-ionomer cylinders were bonded. Specimens were stored in artificial saliva (37°C) and tested at 24-hour and 6-month period. Flexural strength bars (25mm x 2mm x 2mm) and diametral tensile strength discs (4mm x 2mm) for each material were fabricated, stored in artificial saliva (37°C), and tested after 24-hour and 6-month period. An additional flexural strength study was conducted with glass ionomer specimens stored either in distilled water or artificial saliva (37°C), and tested at 24-hour and 2-month periods. Data were analyzed in a two-way ANOVA (p<0.05) with post-hoc Tukey’s tests to compare interactions.
Results: Dentin-glass ionomer bond strengths (SBS) were stable after 6-month storage, however a significant decrease was observed for KN (Table 1). There were no significant differences in SBS among the four glass ionomers. The DTS did not change significantly after aging except for FLC group (Table 1). The FS increased significantly after aging in all groups (Tables 1 & 2) regardless of the storage media (water or saliva). Storage media did not affect flexural strength of materials (Table 2). FLC group presented significantly higher diametral and flexural strength compared to other groups (Tables 1 & 2).
Conclusions: Restorative glass ionomer cements presented stable dentin bonds, except for KN. Flexural strength improved over time for all glass ionomers, regardless of the storage media. DTS did not change over time, except for FLC. Overall, FLC demonstrated superior mechanical properties compared to the other materials studied.
Acknowledgements: UBC Faculty of Dentistry (Start Up Funds and Graduate Program Research Funds), GC America and 3M/ESPE.
Breastfeeding improvement in young infants diagnosed with ankyloglossia after a lingual frenotomy
Objectives: To assess the outcomes of lingual frenotomy on breastfeeding efficacy and mother's pain among infants diagnosed with ankyloglossia. The secondary objective is to assess whether the timing of the frenotomy has an impact on the outcome.
Methods: Infants referred to the Montreal Children’s Hospital by a health professional or a certified lactation consultant for a frenotomy were evaluated for enrollment in this cohort study. Healthy infants under 3 months of age, who had difficulty breastfeeding, a poor score on the Hazelbacker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (HATLFF) and whose parents accepted the frenotomy were included. Ankyloglossia was classified into four types according to Coryllos classification. Mothers’ complaints, weight gain since birth and feeding methods were noted. Infant Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (IBAT) and Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NRS) were completed by the mothers at baseline evaluation, 7 days and 31 days after the frenotomy. A 6-month telephone follow-up was done to assess continuation of breastfeeding.
Descriptive statistics and Related-Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test were performed to evaluate differences in IBAT scores and NRS scores before and after frenotomy. Additionally, Independent-Samples Mann-Whitney U Test was used to compare the timing of frenotomy (<14 days old vs. ≥ 15 days old).
Results: Sixty-nine infants diagnosed with ankyloglossia were included in the study. Frenotomy were more performed on males (61%) than females (39%) and the average age was 17 days. The majority of infants presented with ankyloglossia type 2 (41%), followed by type 3 (38%), type 1 (17%) and type 4 (4%). In all types, IBAT and NRS scores improved significantly between the baseline and 7 days (p<.001) and between 7 days and 1 month (p<.001). Fifty-five percent of infants were 14 days or less and forty-five percent were 15 days and more at the time of the procedure. Infant age at the time of frenotomy was not significantly correlated to breastfeeding scores or pain rating.
Conclusions: Frenotomy procedure may significantly improve IBAT and mothers's NRS in infants presenting with ankyloglossia and breastfeeding difficulties, regardless of the timing of the procedure. Ankyloglossia should always be examined in infants presenting with breastfeeding difficulties, and if detected, frenotomy may be considered by healthcare providers.
Dr. Shuang Liu, Interfaith Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
Objectives: The purpose of this survey was to assess the current perceptions of Canadian medical
pediatric residents regarding their education in infant oral health.
Methods: Data was collected in collaboration with the Canadian Pediatric Program Directors’ (CPPD) research group. The CPPD relayed the survey electronically to all 625 Canadian medical pediatric residents in June of 2015.The questionnaire was an anonymous self-administered 17 question survey asking respondents the number of hours they received in oral health training, perceptions on their training, and comfort levels in assessing infant oral health. Five knowledge questions were included. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics in addition to statistical testing. Analysis was performed to determine whether demographic variables had an effect on whether
knowledge questions were answered correctly.
Results: 187 surveys were completed out of a total 625, achieving a response rate of 29.9%. 70.6% residents indicated receiving less than 1 hour of training on the oral health exam, 22.5% received between 1 to 2 hours of training, 5.3% received 2 to 4 hours of training and 1.1% residents received more than 4 hours of training. In response to the question of respondent’s perception of adequate training on the infant oral health examination, 4.8% agreed that they received adequate training. No respondents strongly agreed with the statement, 11.2% strongly disagreed with the statement, 57.2% disagreed and 26.7% were neutral.
Residents comfort levels in performing an infant oral health exam were as follows: 10.1% very uncomfortable; 57.8% uncomfortable, 4.3% neutral; 5.9% comfortable; and 0.5% very comfortable. In response to the question of residents’ perception that oral health is an important component of overall health, 66.8% strongly agreed, 31.6% agreed, 1.1% were neutral, and 0.5% disagreed. Responses to whether the pediatrician plays an important role in ensuring adequate oral health were: 22.5% strongly agreed, 64.2% agreed, 11.8% neutral and 1.6% disagreed. Of those surveyed, 6.4% respondents correctly answered all five knowledge questions. The results to the knowledge questions are listed in Table 2. To allow for a better summary and analysis of data, demographic variables were placed into 2 groups and the mean of the coded scores in response to the 5 questions were compared.
Conclusion: There is a disconnect between the training currently received by pediatric residents and the knowledge base required to adequately aid in insurance of satisfactory oral health amongst the Canadian pediatric population.
Comparison of Manitoban general and pediatric dentists behaviour guidance technique usage and preference
Dr. Simrit Nijjar, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Objective: To examine differences in the usages and otherwise preferences of behaviour guidance techniques between Manitoban general and pediatric dentists when considering year of graduation, training locations, and source of training.
Methods: Surveys using SurveyMonkey were emailed via the Manitoba Dental Association to a random 25% sample of general dentists and all pediatric dentists (145 general dentists, 19 pediatric dentists) in Manitoba. Questions regarding type of dentist, year of graduation, place of undergraduate/graduate training, ranking of pharmacological and non-pharmacological behaviour guidance techniques, and sources of training of the techniques were created. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software in SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The nonparametric test Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test was performed on all data by considering all behaviour guidance techniques as continuous variables. Significance levels were considered at alpha <0.05 and at 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: A total of 87 completed responses were collected (72 general dentists, 15 pediatric dentists). Statistically significant differences were found in voice control and oral sedation overall. In those that graduated before 1998, tell-show-do and oral sedation had statistically significant differences. For those that graduated after 1998, oral sedation and general anesthesia had statistically significant differences. The usage of voice control and the otherwise preference of oral sedation for those trained within Manitoba were found to be statistically significant between the general dentists and pediatric dentists. These findings although statistically significant were judged not to be of clinical significance as the rankings were usually within one number. For the source of training, pediatric dentists mainly chose undergraduate and graduate training as their main source for most behaviour guidance techniques while general dentists mainly chose undergraduate only as theirs. For both the general and pediatric dentists, the most favoured non-pharmacological technique was tell-show-do and the least favoured was protective stabilization. In the pharmacological groups, nitrous oxide sedation was most favoured and IV sedation was least favoured.
Conclusions: In general, there were few statistically significant differences in the usage and otherwise preference of behaviour guidance techniques between both general and pediatric dentists when considering the year, source, and location of training; however, there were some clinically significant findings. Overall, tell-show-do and nitrous oxide sedation were found to be the most favoured in their respective categories while protective stabilization and IV sedation were the least favoured in their respective categories for both general and pediatric dentists of Manitoba.
Dr. Becky Olacke, University of Washington Center for Pediatric Dentistry, Seattle, Washington
Objectives: Overweight and obese patients require special consideration because of physiologic differences. For such patients dosing sedation medications at actual weight may result in a relative overdose. Currently, there is no recognized dosing scalar for pediatric procedural sedation. This study examined the biophysical characteristics of pediatric dental sedation patients to determine the effect of child weight and the impact of medication dose on sedation success.
Methods: Records of pediatric dental sedations performed at a university-based dental clinic from Feb 2 2011 through Feb 1 2016 were reviewed. Healthy children aged 24 -144 months, who received an oral preparation of meperidine (1.5mg/kg), midazolam (0.3mg/kg), and hydroxyzine (1.0mg/kg) and whose treatment was supervised by the same attending pediatric dentist were included. Sedation dose was calculated using a simplified IBW dosing scalar, the lesser of actual weight or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 50th weight for age percentile. Patient demographics and biophysical characteristics were recorded and used to calculate body mass index (BMI) percentiles. The sedation dose was compared with the child’s actual weight to determine if the dose delivered was therapeutic or sub-therapeutic. Sedation success was analyzed to determine association with dose received.
Results: The sample population consisted of 427 children (mean age = 76.8 months, SD = 21.6 months). The overall success rate, measured by the Houpt scale, was 74% (N=315). There was not a significant difference in success rate by gender, ASA status, insurance status, CDC BMI percentile for age, CDC weight for age percentile, or dose delivered. Older age category and simple treatment type were significantly associated with sedation success (P = 0.036 and P = 0.045 respectively). Chi-squared tests were used to evaluate the association between categorical variables and sedation outcome. The calculated ideal and lean body weights of the study participants were significantly greater than the dosing weight used (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001 respectively) and several patients in the upper quartile received sedation during the study period.
Conclusions: Patients in this study were on average heavier than the CDC 50th weight for age percentile. The results suggest that to avoid inadvertent sedation of overweight and obese patients BMI percentile should be considered in sedation case selection and dosing.
2015 Abstracts, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Investigation of Accessory Canals in Primary Molars, A Micro-Computed Tomography Study
Dr. Mark Berscheid, University of Manitoba
Objectives: This study was designed to examine accessory canals in the furcation area of extracted primary molar teeth using micro-computed tomography.
Material and Methods: Extracted primary maxillary and mandibular molars (n=65) were scanned at a resolution of 9.0 µm in a micro-CT scanner (Skyscan 1176). The patient age, as well as type of tooth (maxillary versus mandibular, first versus second molar) were recorded for each tooth and DataViewer v. 1.5.1 was used to interpret scanned images. Presence or absence of canals, canal patency, number of canals, and size of canals was recorded for each tooth. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 for Windows. Fisher’s Exact and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to identify association between variables.
Results: Canals were observed in the furcation area of 83% of molars scanned, and patent canals were found in the furcation area of 8% of molars. The mean number of canals per tooth was found to be 2.6. Second molars were observed to have a significantly higher number of canals than first molars (p<0.05). No significant association was found between patient age and the number of canals present. Also, no significant relation was found between tooth type or patient age and diameter of canals.
Conclusions: The following conclusions can be made based on the results of this study:
1. While the majority of primary molar teeth have accessory canals in the furcation area, only a minority of primary molar teeth have accessory canals that are patent.
2. Micro-computed tomography is an effective tool for analyzing accessory canals in the furcation region of extracted primary molars.
3. Other factors besides accessory canals may be responsible for the interradicular pathological bone resorption observed following pulpal necrosis in primary molars.
Committee Members: Dr. H Nainar, Dr. C Dewa, Dr. W El-Badrawy
Objectives: 1) To assess the prevalence of occupational burnout and depression among pediatric dentists in the United States and 2) To explore for differences in the prevalence of burnout and/or depression by gender, age, marital status, practice type, geographical location, number of years in practice, and number of hours worked per week.
Methods: A self-administered online anonymous survey was sent to all active members of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry residing in the United States. Survey Monkey® was used to administer the 37-item online survey. Questionnaire items consisted of three domains: demographic information (7 items); the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (22 items), including the three dimensions of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Personal Accomplishment; and lastly the Patient Health Questionnaire 8 (PHQ-8) (8 items).
Results: A total of 4739 surveys were sent and resulted in 785 responses (response rate = 17%). Nine percent of respondents had occupational burnout based on high scores in 2 dimensions of the MBI, Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization. Seven percent of the sample had PHQ-8 scores indicative of depression. Preliminary analyses indicated that those practicing in a group practice were less likely to have Emotional Exhaustion. Those who practiced for 40 or more hours per week were more likely to have Emotional Exhaustion (p<0.05). Prevalence of burnout and depression were correlated.
Conclusions: A small but notable number of U.S. pediatric dentists had occupational burnout and depression.
Committee Members: Drs. Edward Barrett, Michael Casas and Carlos Quiñonez
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the annual frequency of children who presented to a tertiary care pediatric hospital with a caries-related emergency complaint over a ten-year period. The secondary aims of this study were to determine the demographic characteristics of the families that presented, the types of caries-related emergency complaints, treatment provided and costs associated with treatment.
Methods: A retrospective review of the health records of all children who presented to SickKids with caries-related emergency complaints and were seen by a dental resident from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012 was completed. A visit for an emergency dental complaint seen within the ED was identified as a registration where the principal diagnosis at discharge was coded using the International Classification of Disease block code equal to K00-K14 (diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws). Eligibility was determined by reviewing the corresponding health. Records were reviewed and data abstracted on: patient demographics, presenting complaints, co-morbidity, dental treatments, final diagnosis and patient disposition. A cost analysis was provided by SickKids Decision Support Services.
Results: During the ten-year period, 2,020 children with caries-related complaints presented to the ED. Visit rates for caries-related complaints increased by 48% (P= 0.0049) over the study period. 68% of the patients were younger than 6 years. Of the 2,020 patients, 1,217 were seen by the dental resident. There were 276 admissions and 85 were treated under general anaesthetic. The mean cost of care within the ED was $248 (CND).
Conclusions: Over the study period there was an increasing trend in caries-related ED visits to a pediatric hospital. EDs have become an important site for people with caries-related sequelae to seek urgent care, particularly for pre-elementary school age group. These visits utilize hospital resources with an average per visit cost of $248.
The “W5” of pediatric hospital dental emergencies: A quantitative and qualitative analysis
Dr. Jennifer Par k 1*, Campbell, K2
1MSc. Candidate, Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 2Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia; Dept. of Dentistry, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
Objective: To explore factors contributing to a reported increase in emergencies presenting to the Department of Dentistry at BC Children’s Hospital over recent years by investigating the “who, what, when, where and why” of their hospital management.
Methods: A two-phase study incorporated quantitative (retrospective chart review) and qualitative (personal interview) elements. Phase 1 - Records of 300 emergencies from 2009 to 2013 were systematically selected and reviewed. Patient demographics; source of referral; time/day of visit; nature, scope and management of emergency; and follow-up care were analyzed (Pearson’s Chi-squared Tests and Odds Ratios). Phase 2 - Twenty-five interviews with parents of children who recently experienced dental emergencies were recorded and analyzed for common themes in reported factors/circumstances.
Results: Emergencies included dentoalveolar trauma (56.7%), dental pain (20%), swelling from advanced dental disease (13.3%), and ‘other’, unrelated to trauma or caries (10%). Common patients characteristics were: healthy, male, young age (<7 years old), proximity of residence to the hospital and low socioeconomic status. Primary source of referral was the emergency department; emergencies presented equally throughout the week. No immediate intervention was necessary for the majority of cases and follow-up with a community dentist was advised. Factors contributing to a parent’s decision to seek emergent dental care in a hospital included: perception of urgency; concern for their child’s well being; desire for reliable care by a reputable institution; limited understanding of dental disease and consequences of poor oral care; and financial and access to care barriers.
Conclusion: Dentoalveolar trauma and untreated advanced dental caries compel families to seek hospital-based dental emergency services. More aggressive efforts to improve awareness of the importance of early dental visits; development of curricula emphasizing management of anxious children and exposure to pediatric emergencies; and reinforcing the ethical responsibility of dentists to provide after-hours emergency care may help to reduce burden on hospital resources.
Acknowledgements: Project funding provided by British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital 2012 Telethon Projects Award.
A Retrospective Study of Stainless Steel Crowns as a Posterior Permanent Tooth Restoration Option
Dr. Alison Siga l
Year of Convocation: 2016
Degree: Master of Science, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, University of Toronto
Objectives: This retrospective cohort study was performed to assess the long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes of the stainless steel crown (SSC) as a posterior permanent tooth restoration option.
Methods: Study included 271 patients with at least one SSC restoration of their permanent posterior dentitions registered at the Mount Sinai Hospital’s Dentistry Clinic for Persons with Special Needs. All posterior permanent tooth restorations were documented accounting for 2623 restorations: 766 SSC, 1651 Amalgam, 204 Composite Resin, and 2 Glass Ionomer.
Radiographic analysis of SSC restorations included 61 patients, 127 bitewing (BW) and 118 periapical (PA) radiographs (59 pre and post SSC placement). BW films permitted electronic measurement of interproximal bone levels. Pre/Post-SSC PA films permitted assessment of periapical status utilizing the Periapical Index (PAI) Scoring Scale.
Results: The 10-year survival rate (95% CI) for SSC restorations was 82.6% (78.8%, 86.0%). The median follow-up was 5.1 years with a range of 0-33.1 years. 675 recorded as intact at final chart assessment with 91-recorded true failures (Recementation: 2, Replacement: 33, Extraction: 56). Breakdown of diagnoses at time of failure included: Caries: 8, Loose/Lost SSC: 2, Pulpal Necrosis/pathology: 21 and Other: 25.
The average alveolar bone height recorded from distal and mesial sites of SSC restorations respectively were 1.40mm (0.53 – 3.78mm) and 1.36mm (0.53 – 2.84mm). 92.1% (117/127) of distal and 93.7% (119/127) of mesial sites recorded as healthy, non-resorbed. All 59 Pre-SSC PA had healthy periapical scores (fifty: 1, nine: 2). Post-SSC PA; 13 SSC restorations had PAI score changes recorded over an average duration of 8.4 years (1 – 29.1 years);seven changed from 1 to 2, six from 2 to 1, all consistently representing healthy periapical structure.
Conclusion: A stainless steel crown restoration is an effective long-term treatment option for the permanent posterior dentition with negligible effects on the surrounding periodontal alveolar bone heights and periapical status.
Professional Uncertainty in Providing Dental Care for Special Needs Children
Dr. Shan Sun S1*, Bush HM2, Harrison R1, Poon B3, Mathu-Muju KR1
1Department of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; 2 Department of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky, Lexington, U.S.A.; 3School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine whether scientific (knowledge base), practical (clinical infra-structure) or personal (sense of social justice) sources of uncertainty among British Columbia general dentists posed the greatest barriers to their ability to treat children with special health care needs (CSHCN).
Methods: A 74-item self-administered electronic questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 1200 general dentists registered with the British Columbia Dental Association. Variability in clinical practice (examine, examine and refer, refer) was assessed using three case scenarios featuring CSHCN with a 1) behavioral difficulty (autism spectrum disorder), 2) physical disability (bleeding disorder) or 3) combination (cerebral palsy). Respondents were asked to use a five-point Likert-type scale to rate uncertainty levels from scientific, practical and personal sources in each case scenario. One-sample t-tests were used to compare differences between examination/refer for examination and treat/refer for treatment group pairs. All items in the scientific, practical and personal domains were tested using multivariate analyses (logistic regression) for all three cases. Data was analyzed and classified based on a novel taxonomical approach.
Results: The response rate was 20.2% (n=226). A higher percentage of dentists were willing to examine and treat a child with a bleeding disorder (59.7%) or cerebral palsy (63.0%) compared to a child with autism (54.5%). Among those who would refer, the most significant reported sources of uncertainty in general are scientific (knowledge of management, ability to diagnose disease) and practical sources (staff training, inadequate facilities, busy practice).
Conclusions: While the majority of general dentists showed interest and desire to provide care for CSHCN, scientific and practical uncertainties are significant factors affecting their ability to provide care. Recognizing the presence of uncertainty in dental care can inform policy changes to help dentists either decrease reducible uncertainties or cope with those that are irreducible. Implementation of increased undergraduate curriculum hours and hands on experience with CSHCN as well as expanded coverage of public and private dental benefits may help reduce barriers to care for CSHCN, in particular for those with conditions such as autism spectrum disorder.
Acknowledgements: Children with Special Health Care Needs Grant #F13-00854, British Columbia Dental Association.
2014 Abstracts, Montreal, Quebec
Evaluating Parents' and Pediatricians' Awareness of the Cariogenicity of Pediasure Emily Lin Jun Chen, D.M.D., Janna Danbe, D.M.D., Nuntiya Kakanantadilok, D.M.D.
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, New York, U.S.A.
1) Determine reasons why parents give Pediasure (nutritional supplement) to their children,
2) Investigate how parents use this product,
3) Determine what information pediatricians provide to their patients for use of the nutritional supplement,
4) Evaluate pediatricians' knowledge of the cariogenicity of the nutritional supplement.
A survey was administered to the parents of patients at the Montefiore Medical Center Pediatric Dental Clinics, who reported their child’s usage of the nutritional supplement. The goal of the survey was to evaluate the parents’ knowledge of the nutritional supplement as a potential caries risk factor, similar to other sugary beverages. The questionnaire helped determine why patients were using the nutritional supplement and what type of professional anticipatory guidance they had received regarding its use, if any. Similarly, a survey was administered to pediatric medicine residents and pediatricians at Montefiore Medical Center (who treat the same patient population) to determine what information and or instructions were given regarding the consumption of the nutritional supplement.
Results and Conclusions:
This study demonstrated the need to discuss nutritional supplement usage at dental visits as part of routine anticipatory guidance, in an effort to reduce patient’s dental caries risk. Neither parents nor pediatricians were aware of the relative sugar content of the nutritional supplement compared to other beverages known for their high sugar contents. Parents were unaware that this nutritional supplement is cariogenic, and they were giving the nutritional supplement because they were concerned about their child not eating enough. They did not routinely discuss the usage of the nutritional supplement and caries prevention with their child’s pediatrician. Pediatricians did not routinely provide oral hygiene counseling for patients using the nutritional supplement. Pediatricians should include oral hygiene counseling and discuss the cariogenicity of the nutritional supplement, as part of their routine anticipatory guidance. 73% of parents who purchased the nutritional supplement without the pediatrician’s recommendation, were willing to discontinue product usage, when informed of the cariogenicity.
Changes in parental behavior depend on the pediatric dentist providing anticipatory guidance that includes nutritional counseling. Dentists must ask about the use of these products.
Trends in Caries-Related Emergency Visits to a Paediatric Hospital
Molly Ehrlich, DMD
Committee Members: Drs. Edward Barrett, Kathy Boutis, Michael Casas and Carlos Quiñonez
The aim of this study was to determine the annual frequency of children who presented to a tertiary care pediatric hospital with a caries-related emergency complaint over a ten-year period. The secondary aims of this study were to determine the demographic characteristics of the families that presented to the hospital, the types of caries-related emergency complaints, the treatment provided and the costs associated with providing this care.
A retrospective review of the health records of all children who presented to SickKids with caries-related emergency complaints from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012 was completed. Records were reviewed and data abstracted on: patient demographics, presenting complaints, co-morbidity, dental imaging, dental treatments, final diagnosis and patient disposition. Patients seen in 2007- 2012 had additional information collected including wait times (total time spent in the emergency department), Comprehensive Ambulatory Classification System (CACS) grouping, Resource Intensity Weight (RIW), catchment area and direct and indirect costs associated with care. Time series analysis will be used to explore trends and patterns within the data. Descriptive statistics will be calculated, including the mean and standard deviation for quantitative measures such as age, neighborhood income quintile and deprivation index quintile. Frequencies of chief complaints, diagnoses and treatments rendered will be calculated and compared by year of presentation. Mean cost of treatment, cumulative total costs and total time spent in the emergency department will be calculated and compared by year of presentation.
The results are pending. Data collection is currently underway and planned to be completed by August, 2014.
Conclusions are pending.
Oral Inflammatory Load as a Risk Factor for Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Women at Risk of Preterm Delivery
Marie-Lyne Gosselin, DMD
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Sigal, Dr. Howard Tenenbaum, Dr Michael Glogauer
Committee Members: Dr Wendy Whittle, Dr Amir Azarpazhooh, Dr Michael Goldberg
The primary aim of this study was to explore the possible association between oral inflammatory load (OIL) and spontaneous preterm birth (PTB) in pregnant women who are at risk of preterm delivery by evaluating their exposure to indicators of OIL. This study also aimed to compare oral neutrophils counts in pregnant women at risk of spontaneous preterm delivery with oral neutrophil counts in pregnant women with no foreseeable risk of spontaneous preterm delivery.
Following specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, pregnant women at risk for PTB were recruited to participate in this prospective cohort study. The cells from oral rinse samples provided by the participants were stained with acridine orange, and neutrophil counts (primary exposure variable), were carried out visually by using a fluorescence microscope and a hemocytometer and via spectroscopy. Traditional and non-invasive assessment measures of periodontal health were also recorded and a blood sample was collected to assess the MMP-9 and the fetuin (Ahsg) serum level (secondary exposure variables). Pregnancy outcome along with demographic, dental and medical data were collected using a questionnaire, the antenatal dental chart, the delivery records and a post-delivery phone call questionnaire.
The results are pending. Statistical measures of risk will be calculated to measure the risk of PTB following the exposure to the observed variables. To control for confounders, a multiple logistic regression analysis will be executed.
This study will bring about a deeper understanding of the possible relation between OIL, related to periodontal inflammation that could include either or both periodontitis and gingivitis, in pregnant women at high risk for PTB and overall birth outcomes. By relying principally on non-invasive, fast and straightforward tools for assessment of OIL, this approach could be used, even by those without dental training, to identify women at risk for PTB.
Brad Klus, University of Manitoba
The objective of this study was to determine whether the composite bond strength acquired using a single step self-etching bonding system is as or more effective when compared to the two step etch-rinse-bond system at clinically relevant in-vitro standards.
A total of 80 extracted human deciduous with at least one intact smooth surface were collected with parental consent. Collected teeth were randomly assigned to one of four treatment protocols (n=20): single step self-etch (Adper Prompt L-Pop, 3M ESPE), two step etch (15s)-rinse-bond (Optibond Solo Plus, Kerr), single step self etch (Adper Prompt L Pop, 3M ESPE) with 30s pre-etch, and two step etch (30s)-rinse-bond (Optibond Solo Plus, Kerr). A composite cylinder of uniform shape was bonded to each tooth using the designated adhesive system and specimens were tested with a universal testing machine. Descriptive statistics and statistical analysis was performed.
Median shear bond strengths for all specimens, regardless of treatment group, ranged from 3.25 MPa to 43.13 MPa. These values are above suggested minimum clinical required values of 3MPa. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis between treatment groups found statistical significance (p<0.05) for shear bond strength between the groups and both one step system protocols, had higher mean and median shear bond strength values than the two step systems.
An adhesive remnant index (ARI) was analyzed to confirm uniform adhesive fracture between all four treatment groups. Both a Fisher’s exact test, and a Hantel-Haenszel statistic found no significant difference (p<0.05) between the samples.
Based on these findings we concluded that:
1. The ARI score for all treatment groups was not statistically significant, suggesting that the type of bond breakage was consistent regardless of adhesive system used.
2. Both Optibond Solo Plus and Adper Prompt L-Pop systems achieve adequate shear bond strengths as described by current literature.
3. The use of a one-step system to save chair time and aid in patient behavior management may be clinically useful
Effect of anticipatory guidance on the presence of cariogenic bacteria in preschool children
Nick Lekic, University of Manitoba
Objectives: This study was designed to address whether or not the level (high or low) of Streptococcus mutans in the saliva of preschool children can be used as an indicator of caries risk.
Material and Methods: Levels of Streptococcus mutans was assessed in saliva of 100 preschool children, before and approximately 6-months after receiving a health promotion intervention known as anticipatory guidance. The S. mutans bacterial level was assessed using an immunoassay system (Saliva-Check MUTANS) based on monoclonal antibody technology. Bacterial counts were determined at baseline as well as at a six month recall examination. Obtained data was analyzed using SPSS 20.0 for Windows to report frequencies and to look for trends and associations between the dependent and independent variables. Bivariate analysis (ANOVA, Chi Square/Fishers/McNemar exact test) was used to identify associations between variables.
Results: The main finding of this study was that higher levels of Streptococcus mutans were associated with higher caries prevalence at baseline, and caries incidence at follow-up. Furthermore following anticipatory guidance, the levels of Streptococcus mutans were reduced at the subsequent follow-up examination, approaching but not reaching statistical significance, and caries incidence was significantly lower in subjects demonstrating low Streptococcus mutans levels.
Conclusions: Results from this study have shown that anticipatory guidance, offered to caregivers and children at an initial examination, led to a reduction in the proportion of children with high Streptococcus mutans levels upon recall six months later. Children with low Streptococcus mutans levels were also less likely to develop new dental caries. These findings suggest that Streptococcus Mutans counts could be used to assess caries risk and encourages clinicians to provide anticipatory guidance to their patients to help avoid the development of new caries.
“But they stole her teeth.” Developmentally disabled adults seek dental care
Salmasi A*, Harrison R, Brondani M, Rush J
Department of Oral Health Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Objectives: Dental services for children and adolescents with special health care needs, such as developmental disabilities, are reasonably accessible in tertiary care hospital dental departments and in the private offices of pediatric dentists. However, once these young people become adults, accessing dental care is often problematic. This qualitative study explored the experiences of adults with developmental disabilities (AWDD) accessing dental services in metro Vancouver.
Methods: This research used a qualitative, deductive approach. Recruitment of participants was facilitated by AWDD service organizations and family support groups. Time was devoted to engaging and building relationships with participants before beginning the research. Consent was obtained from each participant. The focus groups were guided by open-ended questions, audiotaped and then transcribed. Each focus group lasted, on average, forty minutes. Participants were either “self-advocates” (AWDD who speak or act on behalf of themselves or others on issues that affect people with disabilities) or caregivers (usually parents). Each transcript was read, re-read and coded. These codes were organized into categories and finally into domains.
Results: Five focus groups with twenty participants were conducted. Seven main domains relating to the experiences of AWDD self-advocate and their family members with dental care providers were identified. These domains were communication, trust, respect, financial issues, transitional services, waiting times and, finally, what makes for a “positive dental experience”.
Conclusions: The cost of dental care and the need for enhancing government dental benefits for AWDD were concerns expressed primarily by family members. However, problems with communication between dental professionals and AWDDs and respect for the personal autonomy of AWDD were identified by self-advocates and their carers as issues of concern in the quest for dental care. Ideas for a more positive dental experience were suggested with the hope that these ideas will eventually be communicated to dental providers.
Acknowledgements: Project funded by BC Dental Association and Canadian Fund for Dental Education.
Esthetic Crown Options for the Primary Dentition within Post-Doctoral Residency Programs
Bradford Scheideman, DMD, Jacobi Medical Center
Purpose: To compare the attitude, usage and training of esthetic, full-coverage restorative treatment options in the primary dentition among pediatric dentistry residents and program directors.
Methods: Utilizing an email list from the AAPD, two questionnaires were sent to 907 pediatric dentistry residents and 108 pediatric dentistry program directors. Both surveys investigated the utilization, the learning opportunities provided to the residents, the perceived limitations, and the personal experience of different esthetic, full coverage restorative treatment options. Results were analyzed using standard accepted statistical analysis.
Results: Most pediatric dentistry residencies offer a variety of esthetic, full coverage primary restorative options for anterior teeth, while the majority of programs do not offer any esthetic restorative treatment options for posterior teeth. Residents and dentists both agree that esthetics in the primary dentition are important to parents and pediatric dental residents. There are many barriers to new esthetic primary restorative treatment options. Barriers to zirconia crowns (ZC) include cost, retention, lack of research, lack of personal knowledge/experience, fracture, removal of excess tooth structure, and excess time to place. The major barriers of preveneered SSCs (PVSSC) include patient dissatisfaction and risk of fracture.
Conclusion: Pediatric Dentistry Residencies are adapting to a more esthetic approach for full coverage primary dental restorations. There is a discrepancy between what the director’s state the residents are able to offer in terms of esthetic restorations and what the residents provide to the patients. There is also a discrepancy between the residents’ clinical training and the reported clinical experience in esthetic restorations. The majority of residents are able to learn about PVSSC from faculty members but rely on manufacturer prepared material to educate the residents on ZC. There are several barriers to ZC that need to be addressed before they are universally incorporated into routine restorative procedures by pediatric dentists and residencies.
Life-long tooth replacement in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius)
Wong, Andrew C.1 Grieco, Theresa M. 1 Richman, Joy M.1
Life Sciences Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Background: The tooth replacement pattern of the human dentition is characteristic in terms of timing however the understanding of what controls the transition from primary to permanent dentition is lacking. Moreover it is not clear why humans can only replace their teeth once while other animals such as reptiles can replace their teeth throughout life. One potential pathway involved in tooth replacement is the Wingless signalling pathway (Wnt), which leads to uncontrolled budding of supernumerary teeth Gardner’s syndrome in humans.
Objectives: 1) To develop a reptile model, the leopard gecko, in order to study tooth replacement in real-time in vivo. 2) To measure the effect of LiCl, an activator of Wnt signaling, on tooth replacement in longitudinal studies.
Methods: Upper dental arch wax bites of 3 adult leopard geckos were taken weekly. The present/missing teeth were recorded over an 8 month period. The palate was injected bilaterally with LiCl or the control, Sodium Chloride (NaCl), at certain intervals. Post-euthanization, the upper and lower arches were evaluated using Micro CT imaging and with histology.
Results: The average replacement frequency per tooth was 7 weeks and there were 42 teeth per quadrant. Slower cycling teeth were interspersed between faster cycling teeth. A posterior-to-anterior wave of replacement emerged but was inconsistent. Additionally, there was limited replacement symmetry between right and left sides. LiCl disrupted the replacement pattern at varying times as the posterior-to-anterior waves became irregular.
Conclusions: Posterior-to-anterior waves of replacement present at certain intervals but repeating coordination of replacement is not readily apparent. LiCl caused irregularity in the replacement wave suggesting Wnt signaling may regulated the natural process of tooth replacement.
Acknowledgements: Supported by Faculty of Dentistry Research funds and an NSERC Discovery grant to JMR (RGPIN 326908)
Quantifying facial morphogenesis in 3D using Optical Projection Tomography
Woo, JM2*, Richman, JM1,2
1Life Sciences Institute, 2Faculty of Dentistry, Division of Pediatric Dentistry. University
of British Columbia
Objectives: In order to study abnormal facial development, reference standards of normal development are required. It is challenging to obtain 3D data on early embryos, since they are comprised of non-differentiated tissue. We used optical projection tomography (OPT) (Bioptonics, UK), which images transparent specimens with UV light. Here we used carefully staged chicken embryos to measure facial morphogenesis over time.
Methods: Chicken eggs (n=32) were incubated for 3.5-6 days (stage 20, 24, 28, 29). Embryo heads were fixed in 10% formaldehyde, embedded in agarose blocks, dehydrated in methanol, and then cleared in Benzyl Alcohol Benzyl Benzoate 2:1. Embryos were scanned with the OPT, images were reconstructed, and then the head was digitally resliced in the frontal plane using NRecon and CTan. Resliced files were imported into Amira software, and facial prominences were outlined, and isosurfaces were created. Volumetric measurements were assessed using Amira. Landmarks were applied to the outer surface of each prominence using Landmark. The landmarks were then superimposed from different embryos using MorphoJ, whereby they underwent Procrustes Superimposition (PS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA), and Discriminant Function Analaysis (DFA).
Results: Traditional morphometrics revealed that the greatest amount of growth was a 24-fold difference in volume of the lateral nasal prominence between stages 20 and 29, followed by the maxillary, mandibular, and frontonasal mass. The ratio length/width shows that there was a 3-fold difference in the frontonasal mass between stages 20 and 29. Geometric morphometrics revealed that embryonic facial prominences grow isometrically until stage 24 except the maxillary prominence which grows till stage 28. Afterwards, facial prominences grew allometrically. Shape changes were observed in all three axes. The frontonasal mass narrowed mediolaterally, and lengthened superioinferiorly and proximodistally. The lateral nasal and maxillary prominences both grew more proximodistally and mediolaterally, and had minimal growth superioinferiorly. The mandibular prominence grew mainly superioinferiorly, and had minimal growth mediolaterally and proximodistally.
Conclusion: Embryonic chicken facial prominences undergo allometric growth. Each prominence varies in dimensional changes with respective stage, with the frontonasal mass and mandibular prominence having the greatest dimensional change.
Acknowledgements: This work was funded by Faculty of Dentistry research funds and CIHR operating grants to JMR.
2013 Abstracts, Vancouver, British Columbia
2nd Year
Sekhavat, A, Nainar H, Sigal M. Azarpazhooh A. :Effectiveness of Nutritional and Physical Activity Counseling for Pre-Adolescent Children in a Dental Setting
3rd Year
Nguyen TD, Casas MJ, Sigal MJ, Judd PL: MTA Pulpotomy for Vital Primary Incisors: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Vertel N, Campbell K, Harrison R. : Dental Care Access for Children with Special Health Care Needs - A Pilot Project at the Dental Department of BC Children's Hospital
Zhao MH, Campbell K, Harrison RL, Kennedy DB, Koroluk L: Survival of Fixed Space-maintaining Appliances
2011 3M ESPE Graduate Student Research Presentations
Four Canadian graduate students in pediatric dentistry participated in the 3M ESPE Graduate Student Research Presentations, held during the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (CAPD) Annual General Meeting in Edmonton in September, 2011. The graduate students presented their research to a panel of judges, and the winning student was awarded a $1000 cash prize.
2011 Abstracts, Edmonton, Alberta
The following are condensed versions of the abstracts submitted for the 2011 pediatric dental research event.
Title: GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genotype and risk of dental caries
Authors: Tabitha Chng, Ahmed El-Sohemy, Daiva Nielsen, Christine Wessman, Karen Eny, Gajanan Kulkarni
Introduction: The microbiological and environmental contribution to dental caries has been extensively studied. However, the relative contribution of genetic predispositions has not been clearly defined. Genetic polymorphisms in the TAS1R2 (Ile191Val) and GLUT2 (Thr110Ile) genes have recently been associated with habitual sugar consumption with carriers of the Ile allele of GLUT2 having higher sugar consumption and carriers of the Val allele of TAS1R2 having lower sugar consumption. However, the association between these genetic variants and dental caries has not yet been examined.
Objectives: To determine whether a common polymorphism in the TAS1R2 and GLUT2 genes is associated with dental caries.
Methods: 80 healthy Caucasian individuals, aged 21-31 years old, who were previously genotyped for the TAS1R2 and GLUT2 polymorphisms through the Toronto Nutrigenomics and Health Study, were recruited. A clinical and radiographic examination was conducted by a single examiner who was blinded to the genotype of the participants. To assess caries prevalence, three different caries scores were determined: DMFT (Decayed, Missing, and Filled teeth), DMFT+radiographs and ICDAS (International Caries Detection and Assessment System). Associations between genotype and caries incidence were analysed analyzed Student’s t test.
Results: A significant increase in DMFT scores (mean ± SEM) (4.32±0.43 vs. 6.13±1.24, p=0.04) was shown in carriers of the Ile allele of GLUT2. Carriers of the TAS1R2 gene polymorphism consistently demonstrated lower caries scores: DMFT (4.14±0.47 vs. 5.78±0.89, p=0.05), DMFT+radiographs (4.93±0.57 vs. 7.53±0.91, p=0.01), and ICDAS (19.52±2.15 vs. 26.14±2.82, p=0.03).
Conclusion: The results suggest that variation in the GLUT2 and TAS1R2 genes are associated with risk of dental caries. Further analysis using the genome-wide association study (GWAS) approach is planned next to identify other polymorphisms associated with caries risk. Further studies targeting children with early childhood caries and validation of the current results in a pediatric population are needed.
Dr. Sabrina Huda
Title: Novel oral rinse assay for the quantification of oral neutrophils and comparison to the standard periodontal exam in pregnant women
Authors: Dr. Sabrina Huda, Dr Howard Tenenbaum, Dr Wendy Whittle, Dr Michael Glogauer, Dr Herenia Lawrence, Dr Michael Goldberg
Background: Current studies suggest that periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth and low birth weight infants. Periodontal diagnosis relies on intraoral visual clinical factors that include redness, bleeding, probing depths, attachment loss and amount of plaque and calculus. A simple test that identifies pregnant women at increased risk of adverse outcome due to periodontal disease would be valuable.
Objectives: To develop a valid and reliable tool to measure periodontal inflammatory disease in pregnant women. To determine the salivary neutrophil counts in pregnant women using a new non-invasive oral rinse assay. To assess their periodontal health status using this neutrophil quantification assay and conventional methods. To validate the assay as a quantitative measure of periodontal inflammatory disease in pregnant women.
Methods: Periodontal examinations of pregnant women were performed (preliminary n = 36). 10 ml saline rinse for 15 seconds, were collected. Neutrophils were counted in each rinse. ABTS, a colour changing redox agent, was added. The intensity of the colour reaction was measured by absorbance. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s correlation were calculated to assess preliminary results.
Results: Preliminary results showed a significant positive correlation between neutrophils counts and periodontal disease severity as measured by bleeding on probing (rs = 0.70; p <0.01) and the modified gingival index (r = 0.57; p <0.01).
Conclusions: Preliminary results suggest a correlation between neutrophils and periodontal disease in pregnant women. The rinse assay may be used as a screening test for periodontal inflammation in pregnant women.
Title:Evaluation of an Oral Swab Assay as a Quantitative Measure of Periodontal Inflammation in Patients with Special Needs
Dr. Anita Moosani, Dr. Michael J. Sigal, Dr. Howard C. Tenenbaum, Dr. Michael Glogauer
Dr. Herenia P. Lawrence, Dr. Michael Goldberg
Patients with special needs have a high prevalence of oral disease, which can be difficult to diagnose with conventional dental instruments due to lack of cooperativity, resulting in the use of subjective measures for periodontal disease, unless patients are examined under general anaesthesia. Measurement of oral neutrophil levels may serve as an objective measure of periodontal health status. This study aims to validate and assess the feasibility of using an oral swab assay of oral neutrophils as a quantitative measure of periodontal inflammation in uncooperative patients with special needs.
Methods: Patients scheduled for comprehensive dental treatment under general anaesthesia at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital Dental Program for Persons with Disabilities were included in this study. A periodontal examination using a periodontal probe was done under general anaesthesia and oral swabs were obtained to show that measurable counts of oral neutrophils could be attained. These measurements were then compared to neutrophil counts taken from the oral swabs done later at the patient’s recall examination. Oral neutrophils obtained from the oral swabs were measured using the FLUOstar Optima software.
Results: Sample size calculations indicated that 44 patients are required for this study, and 49 have been assessed under general anaesthesia thus far. Data collection during recall examinations is still in progress, and will allow statistical comparisons between periodontal parameters and oral neutrophil counts taken during the general anaesthetic and recall examinations. Descriptive statistics will be used to determine the evaluators’ ability to acquire the oral swab data in an ambulatory dental clinic for patients with special needs.
Conclusions: Oral neutrophil counts derived from swabs are expected to correlate significantly with conventional parameters of gingival inflammation and provide a standardized method for clinical measurement, thus overcoming the problem of subjectivity encountered with conventional measures in the special needs population.
Title: A retrospective analysis of the success of fixed space maintainers in a private pediatric dental setting and a survey of the use of fixed space maintainers among pediatric dentists and orthodontists
Dr. Lori Waichenberg, Dr. Paul Andrews; Dr. Michael Sigal; Dr. Keith Titley; and Dr. Bryan Tompson
Space management of the developing dentition is an important part of interceptive and preventive dental care. Though the published success rates are generally low, many of these studies are based on data from multiple student operators As such, it would be beneficial to present data from a single practitioner on the success and longevity of fixed space maintainers (spms) under a strict protocol in a private practice setting. Furthermore, it would be informative to document the prevailing attitudes of a representative sample of North American pediatric dentists and orthodontists regarding their personal experience with fixed spms.
Objectives: To evaluate the success and longevity of fixed space maintainers placed by a sole dental practitioner in a private pediatric dental office. To evaluate the use of, attitudes toward, and perceived difficulties with fixed space maintainers by a representative sample of North American pediatric dentists and orthodontists.
Experimental Methods: A retrospective chart review of patients who had fixed space maintainers placed between 2000-2010 at a private pediatric dental practice was conducted. A total of 898 appliances were included in the study. A web-based online survey was sent out to a random sample of 1000 pediatric dentists and 1000 orthodontists regarding their use of fixed spms.
Statistical Analyses: For the chart review, descriptive statistics, a Cox regression analysis, and survival curves were generated. A log-rank test was used to assess the equality of the survival distributions. For the survey study, the results were compiled and analyzed and visual summaries of the responses were generated.
Results: The overall success rate for the spms studied was 86.7%. The overall survival time for the spms was 205 days, with the band and loop showing the longest survival. The response rate for the survey for the pediatric dentist was 42%, but for the orthodontists was only 6.9%. The vast majority of pediatric dentists and orthodontists place fixed spms in their practice (99.8% and 97%, respectively). The most common reason for failure was cited as cement loss by the pediatric dentists (47.3%) and breakage was cited as the most common reason by the orthodontists (30.4% ).
Conclusions: Fixed spms had a high success rate and were used by the vast majority of pediatric dentists and orthodontists. They should be recommended for use in patients whenever indicated.
2009 Abstracts, Victoria, British Columbia
Student: Tim Seto (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
Objectives: Investigate the relationship between pneumonia and dental cleanings in a pediatric population with cerebral palsy (CP) and test the null hypothesis that children with CP are not at increased risk for pneumonia when receiving dental cleanings.
Methods: Analyzed pneumonia claims from Michigan State's Medicaid database for a 5-year period (January 2001-December 2005). Patients aged 3 to 18 years with CP were included. Outcome of interest was the presence of greater than or equal to 1 claim for pneumonia (International Classification of Disease, Clinical Modification 9th edition - 480 to 486 or 487.0) within 14 days of a prior dental cleaning (Current Dental Terminology 1110, 1120, 4341, 4355). Multivariate time-dependent logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with pneumonia events. Potential risk factors evaluated in the regression model include demographic variables: age at entry of study, area of residence (i.e. urban vs. rural), and, the presence of medical conditions: esophagogastric fundoplasty, gastroesophageal reflux, asthma, gastrostomy feeding tube, dysphagia, epilepsy.
Results: 7079 children were eligible for this study with the mean age at entry of study of 7.75 years old. Among these children, 871 (12%) had greater than or equal to 1 claim for pneumonia during the study period. Only 17 children reported claims of pneumonia within 14 days and 37 children after 30 days of a dental cleaning. Regression analysis revealed significant risk factors for pneumonia, including dysphagia (OR 2.26), asthma (OR 2.19), gastrosophageal reflux (OR 1.58) and epilepsy (OR 1.43). Significant non-medical associations with pneumonia include age at entry of study (OR 0.95) and rural area of residence (OR 1.35).
Conclusions: No association between dental cleanings and pneumonia events could be demonstrated in CP children aged 3 to 18. Dysphagia, asthma, gastrosophageal reflux, and epilepsy are more important risk factors than dental cleanings for pneumonia.
(Dr. Seto was the first place winner of the 2009 3MESPE prize)
Student: Dr. Evan Zaretsky (University of Toronto)
Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to asses which specific behaviour management skills pediatric dentists are using and find effective in working with their patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ASD, and to highlight specific influences whether educational, environmental or experiential which contribute to their skills in advanced behaviour management.
Methods: Surveys were mailed to all Canadian and select American members of the AAPD, with an invitation to participate in the research either via direct mailing or online. The survey tool had two sections: Personal and Professional Background; and the Behaviour Management Technique Rating Scale, BMTRS. The BMTRS asks respondents to indicate their frequency of use, and perceived effectiveness of 23 different behaviour management techniques. Responses were collected over 10 weeks and will subsequently be analyzed to describe the previously noted relationships.
Results: A total of 837, subjects replied to the survey, a response rate of 50.1%. Although statistical analysis is still pending, several trends were noted. Over 60% of the subjects see autistic patients weekly or more often. Over 40% of respondents say that they use inhalation sedation often or regularly, and more than 2/3 felt it was at best, somewhat useful. Conversely, traditional approaches, such as Tell-Show-Do, are used regularly by 60%, but only 43% considered it useful. Meanwhile, modern techniques, such as filmed modelling, are untried by over 90% of respondents. A resounding 71% believe that more continuing education with regards to ASD would be valuable.
Conclusions: Pediatric dentists recognize a need for further education in the field of behaviour management, specifically in regards to ASD. Pharmacologic and traditional techniques, like voice modulation, are widely used, but may not be effective. Many new approaches, such as sensory stimulation, have been documented in the literature, yet remain largely unutilized for reasons, such as time and costs involved.
Student: Dr. Ngoc Luong (University of Toronto)
Supervisors: Dr. B. Saltzman, Dr. M. Sigal, Dr. D. Haas, Dr. M. Casas
Objectives: To identify and compare pre-treatment and post-treatment parental expectations and satisfaction concerning their child's dental care under general anaesthesia. Participant characteristics were also investigated.
Methods: Questionnaires were administered to 100 parents who had attended the pre-operative anaesthesia consultation (pre-treatment group) and to 100 parents who had returned for post-operative reassessment (post-treatment group). Participants were asked to rate the importance and frequency of each event on a four point Likert Scale. Parents were also asked to complete a participant character information form. A score was calculated for each item in the questionnaires by multiplying the item's mean "importance rating" and the item's mean "expectation rating" and the items were ranked by scores.
Results: To date, complete responses were obtained from 69 parents in the pre-treatment group and 77 parents in the post-treatment group. In each group, the highest ranked elements were those representing information and communication. (Additional data and statistical analyses will be reported in the future)
Our initial results reinforce the value that parents place in adequate communication and provision of information in dental treatment under general anaesthesia.
Student: Dr. Michael Park (University of Toronto)
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Michael Glogauer
Supervisory Committee: Dr. Yigal Dror, Dr Michael Sigal and Dr. Howard Tenenbaum
Historically, case reports and studies that have looked at the oral manifestations of neutropenia have documented advanced periodontal disease, premature loss of teeth and ulcerations upon initial presentation. Patients with neutropenia are treated routinely with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor to increase their levels of circulating neutrophils. However, no follow up studies have been carried out which report on the oral health status of these patients during their active haematological treatment.
Objectives: To assess the oral health of children with neutropenia.
Methods: Children with neutropenia between the ages of 6-18 attending the Hospital for Sick Children were asked to participate in the study. Participants also underwent an oral and radiographic examination.
Preliminary data suggest that oral health and neutrophil function are maintained for most patients receiving CSF therapy.