IAPD20 Virtual 13-17 September 2020 https://iapdworld.org/congress-3/iapd20-virtual/ Due to COVID-19, we are now learning new ways to keep up to date and new ways to communicate. Recent innovations in information technology now are available to share knowledge and remain connected. In our continuous effort to support you in this new era, the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry is organising an innovative scientific event— IAPD20 Virtual that will take place between 13-17 September 2020. On behalf of the IAPD Board of Directors and the Scientific/Organizing Committee of IAPD20 Virtual, we wish to invite you to join this exciting new venture with 23 internationally recognized speakers from different parts of the world. Our strong belief is that during this pandemic we should stand together and support each other. For this reason, the IAPD Board of Directors, decided to offer its members an important scientific event at the lowest possible registration rate. This virtual meeting should greatly contribute to your oral health knowledge, as well as enable you to stay connected with the IAPD and your colleagues from all over the world. This might be a great opportunity for some people to participate for the first time at an international event. Experience a great meeting from the comfort of your chair:
Let us try something new, together. See you online! Kind regards, Loraine Lugasi / Association Manager IAPD 18 Avenue Louis Casai | c/o Paragon | CP 234 | 1209 Geneva | Switzerland T +41 22 533 09 48 F +41 22 580 29 53 |